Monday, May 16, 2011

Updates on the electoral process

I will be updating my posting from Friday on electoral troubles as stories come in. So you can keep checking back to that posting for a summary of all stories from various new sites (mostly Radio Okapi for now).

Plus, according to people who attended election commissioner Mulunda Ngoy's talk in Washington, DC this week, here are the figures of how many people have been registered so far (h/t Monique):

- CENI's goal is to register 12 million more by mid-July.

- In Kinshasa, CENI's goal is to register 3.5 million voters (registration has not yet begun there.)
- CENI has reached its goal to register 1.4 million in Bas-Congo.
- Goal of 3.5 mil in Bandundu (at 1.6 mil now)
- Goal of 3.5 mil in Equateur (at 1.7 now)
- Goal of 3.9 mil in Orientale (at 1.17 now)
- Goal of 2.9 mil in N Kivu (at 1.3 now with 0 registrations in Walikale due to security concerns and lack of infrastructure)
- Goal of 2 mil in S Kivu (at 968,000 now)
- Goal of 759,000 in Maniema (at 874,000 now)
- Goal of 4.2 mil in Katanga (at 3.2 mil now with registration open until June 9)
- Goal of 2,4 million in Kasai Oriental (at 1,579,598 according to Okapi)
- Kasai Occidental?


  1. It was also interesting to hear the Chairman address his trip to Togo during the CSIS event. Apparently, DRC lent 2,000 voting machines to Togo for their recent elections, and the machines came back "spoiled." After a Belgian computer supplier told CENI that they couldn't fill DRC's massive order of new voting machines, the Chairman made a trip to Togo to request 1,000 voting machines from that government.

    This leaves the feeling that CENI is slapping things together in a pretty haphazard way. 1,000 voting machines from Belgium, another 1,000 from Togo, who knows where the rest are coming from ... do these machines even use the same software? Are they communicating with a central (or provincial) database?

  2. When I add all the numbers of voters who are already registrated then I come already to 12,6 million. Mulunda Ngoy said in an interview they want to have minimum 29 million voters registred, that is 4 million more then registred in 2006. But this means that there must be 16,3 million voters more registred before mid-july. Or am i a bad matician?
    The interview of Mulunda is here :

  3. Hey Tony a tabulation of some of the figures about the 2011 elections are presented in a cross-tab below. I have compiled figures from 2006 elections, Mulunda’s speech at the CSIS and Radio Okapi latest report.

    @ Monique - I wanted to point out to the fact that registration already started in Kinshasa in fact E Tshisekedi and his wife registered on Saturday 14th May as shown by the Radio Okapi link below.

    Not too sure how this table will display after I post it. However, I am happy to forward an excel spreadsheet if any one wants it.

    Kinshasa 2913313 3500000 219000 OPEN
    Bas-Congo 1227775 1486000 1487000 CLOSED
    Bandundu 2925126 3500000 1600000 Jul 8th
    Equateur 2923680 3500000 1700000 Jul-11
    Orientale 3241470 3900000 1700000 OPEN
    Maniema 626327 759000 874000 CLOSED
    Nord-Kivu 2451475 2900000 1300000 OPEN
    Sud-Kivu 1651262 2000000 968000 OPEN
    Katanga 3473936 4200000 3200000 Jun-09
    Kasai Or 1975430 2400000 1579598 OPEN
    Kasai Occ 2010405 2400000 1900000 OPEN
    Total 25420199 30545000 16527598

    From these figures around 14 million need to register by mid-July in order to meet the projection.


  4. Thank you for posting this information. We are keeping an eye out to see what the latest is!

  5. Hi Rich,

    Thank you very much. So they have registred already 16,5 million and they must succeed to register another 14 million to obtain 30 million, this is 5 million more then in 2006. Your table is dated from when exactly?

    thanks very much

  6. - Nadine,

    Sorry I should have explained a bit more what's in the table.

    As you can see the first column [REGION]contains the names of the 11 provinces; the second column [2006] contains figures from the 2006 final list of registered; the third column [EXPECTED] has what has been projected to be the number of potential voters (Congolese aged at least 18 years old and over) in 2011 by province; the fourth column [STATUS] has the number of registered to date by province and the last column is just a way of showing if the registration is ongoing (ending date) or closed.

    I collected the data from various reliable sources [2006 Elections report; 2011 projection of voters' numbers; Pasteur Mulunda latest update on the registration progress at a CSIS meeting and Radio Okapi news update on the election]and put them together in the above format.
    I will keep an eye and update it may be by the end of the month then perhaps weekly depending on what will be made public.

    PS. There is an interesting table that of money pledged by both the International Community and the Congolese Govt for the 2011 elections and money paid so far. There it seems like things are not moving as fast as they should be considering that there is only 6 months to go...


  7. Rich,

    where can I find this table of money pledged by the international Community and the gvt and money paid so far?


  8. Tony -

    Jason seems to be working on this and will soon upload a much more up to date table on the funding.

  9. If i'm not wrong i dont think the international community has pledged anything, specifically the European Union and US i.e. as per the new electoral calendar and subsequent new laws that have been passed through parliament
