Friday, July 29, 2011

Voter registration figures

Voila the voter registration figures (h/t Rich). The figures haven't been audited yet.

Province    Number of voters registered    Number of voters expected       Completion rate

Bandundu               3 553 322                              3 555 702                                100 %

Bas-Congo             1 502 939                              1 485 850                                101%

Equateur                 3 960 643                              3 584 982                                110 %

Kasai Occidental     2 661 245                              2 457 453                                108%

Kasai Oriental          2 643 905                             2 437 108                                108%

Katanga                   4 627 302                             4 241 326                                109%

Kinshasa                  3 287 745                             3 573 399                                  92%

Maniema                  874 809                                759 427                                   115%

Nord-Kivu              3 003 246                             2 968 297                                   101%

Province Orientale  3 886 524                               3 927 123                                  99%

Sud-Kivu                2 022 960                              2 009 336                                  101%


  1. Interesting indeed but a comparaison between the figures of the 2005 and 2011 voters census would probably be even more interesting...

  2. 2006 voters registration Figures were as followed :

    Bandundu 2, 925,126
    Bas-Congo 1, 227,775
    Equateur 2, 923,680
    Kasai Occidental 2, 010,405
    Kasai Oriental 1, 975,430
    Katanga 3, 473,936
    Kinshasa 2, 913,313
    Maniema 626,327
    Nord-Kivu 2, 451,475
    Orientale 3, 241,470
    Sud-Kivu 1, 651,262
    Total 25, 420,199

    It can be seen from these figures that there has been a 26% increase when comparing between 2006 and 2011. In other words, there has been around 26% increase in population of voting age between 2006 and 2011. This corroborates significantly with existing DRC population projections for 2011.

  3. Great.

    So when does the public publishing and auditing begin?

