Friday, April 27, 2012

Supreme Court passes verdict on legislative vote

The Congolese Supreme Court issued a verdict on some of the legislative election disputes yesterday. I have posted a list of the decisions here. In general, the court went against some weighty interests, including by invalidating the two brothers of election commissioner Ngoy Mulunda (other members of the presidential majority took their places), as well as heavyweights like Jean-Jacques Mutuale (MLC), Anzuluni Bembe (opposition, former Mobutu strongman), Colette Tshomba (former deputy minister), Jean-Claude Baende (majority, governor of Equateur) and Jerome Kamate (opposition, former deputy minister).

The list comprises 32 invalidations of elected MPs; most of the disputes were among members of the ruling coalition. If I am counting correctly, three opposition MPs lost their seats to the ruling coalition, while the opposite does not seem to have occurred.

At the same time, the Supreme Court called for the remaining results from the rest of the country to be released, reversing the election commission's cancellation of the legislative vote everywhere except for Masisi, where a new vote will need to be held.


  1. And do you have a sense that these decisions were based on the merits or on various sub rosa political arrangements?

  2. i had the same question as, David.

    actually, it would be fairly interesting to know what judicial precedents were set in these decisions.

    are there decisions public?

    and, i'll be perfectly blunt (and happily political), whatever precedents were set
    should be seized upon by the opposition to re-litigate the presidential elections.

    just sayin'


  3. @ Jose,
    I think it would be a waste of money and time to re-litigate the presidential election. I think the Supreme court's decisions are in first and last resort.
    I believe that the fundamental problem here is accountability. In Congo, we don't have yet a system where people keep a tab of civil or military servants.
    Organizations like Asadho or Linelit are, in my opinion, too broad in their approach.
    I believe that a more sector oriented approach will be beneficial politically and legally.
    I think we should adopt Edgar Hoover's way, not to blackmail people but to know what to expect from any individual.
    Maybe you can help me here : in your career, how do you lawyers have a feel for a judge? Do you study his precedents?

  4. One more thing,
    in Congo, we don't trust the judiciary. Politicians rather fight by media proxies than in front of a judge.
    I believe that bringing more money in the judiciary will be a game changer. I don't think anybody, even a judge, will like to be painted as a corrupt person in national television.

  5. Le congo qui marche :


    Gvt Matata Cabinet members

    Premier Ministre Matata Ponyo Mapon

    Vice Premier Ministres

    Budget: Daniel Mukoko Samba
    Def Nat: Alexandre Lubal Tamu


    Aff Etrangères, CI, Francophonie: Raymond Tshibanda
    Int, Securite, Decentr: Richard Muyej
    Justice, DH: Wivine Mumba
    Medias, relations avec parlement: Lambert Mende
    Plan, suivi de revolution modernite: Celestin Vunabandi
    Portefeuille: Louise Munga
    Eco/Commerce: Jean-Paul Nomayato
    Amenagement du territoire, urbanisme, habitat, TP/AT: Fridolin Kasweshi
    Transport et voies de communications: Justin Kalumba
    Environnement, Conservation de la nature et Tourisme: Louis Bavon Mputu
    Mines: Martin Kabwelulu
    Ressources hydrauliques et electricite: Bruno Kasanji Kalalasanji Kalala
    Hydrocarbures: Crispin Atama
    Industrie et PME: Remy Musungay
    PTT, NTIC: Kin-Kiey Mulumba
    Emploi, Travail et Prevoyance Sociale: Modeste Bahati Lukwebo
    Sante: Felix Kabange Numbi
    ESURS: Kyelo Lotama
    EPSP: Maker Mwangu
    Agriculture: Jean-Chrysostome Wahamiti
    Affaires foncieres: Robert Mbuinga Bila
    Affaires Sociales: Charles Nawej
    Genre, famille: Genevieve Inagosi
    Fonction Publique: Jean-Claude Kibala
    Sport, Jeunesse, Culture et Arts: Banza Mukalay

    No many sources have confirmed this but it comes from a reliable source close to the regime.


    1. @ Rich.Its not a REGIME,its a Government. Despite the challenges that the Congolese faced during their polls, at least they tried to organise an election. All elections face challenges one way or the other. What happened to the American elections when Bush was elected ? We all know that no elections are regarded as free and fair unless the opposition wins. Opposition parties should learn to fight on their own and stop being cry babies that use the international community to fight for their cause.

  7. I'm surprised that he will bring Lambert Mende back. That won't exactly show a break from Muzito.
    Triphon in the PTT? Did he got the technical basics know-how to turn it around?
    Banza, idk, didn't he has that minister a while ago?

  8. I'd add that this ministry:

    Medias, relations avec parlement: Lambert Mende

    also got the mandate for "initiation at the new citizenship". What does that means? Knowing the size and behaviour of the person I'd rather call him: "propaganda". It is a new form of mobutism... nothing good at the horizon

  9. ORDONNANCE N° 12/004 DU 28 AVRIL 2012 PORTANT
    Le Président de la République,
    Vu la Constitution, telle que modifiée par la loi n° 11/002 du 20
    janvier 2011 portant révision de certains articles de la Constitution du 18
    février 2006, spécialement en ses articles 78, 79 et 90 ;
    Vu l’Ordonnance n° 12/003 du 18 avril 2012 portant nomination
    d’un Premier Ministre ;
    Revu l’Ordonnance n° 11/063 du 11 septembre 2011 portant
    nomination des Vice-Premiers Ministres, des Ministres et des Vice-Ministres ;
    Sur proposition du Premier Ministre ;
    O R D O N N E :
    Article 1er :
    Sont nommées Vice-Premiers Ministres, les personnes ci-après :
    1. Vice-Premier Ministre, Ministre Budget :
    Monsieur Daniel MUKOKO SAMBA
    2. Vice-Premier Ministre, Ministre de la Défense Nationale et Anciens
    Monsieur Alexandre LUBA NTAMBO
    Article 2 :
    Sont nommées Ministres aux fonctions en regard de leurs noms, les personnes
    ci-après :
    1. Affaires Etrangères, Coopération Internationale et Francophonie
    2. Intérieur, Sécurité, Décentralisation et Affaires Coutumières
    Monsieur Richard MUYEJ MANGEZ
    3. Justice et Droits Humains :
    Madame Wivine MUMBA MATIPA
    4. Médias, chargé des Relations avec le Parlement et de l’Initiation à la
    Nouvelle Citoyenneté:
    Monsieur Lambert MENDE OMALANGA
    5. Plan et Suivi de la Mise en oeuvre de la Révolution de la Modernité :
    6. Portefeuille
    Madame Louise MUNGA MESOZI
    7. Economie et Commerce :
    Monsieur Jean Paul NEMOYATO BEGEPOLE
    8. Aménagement du Territoire, Urbanisme, Habitat, Infrastructures, Travaux
    Publics et Reconstruction :
    Monsieur Fridolin KASWESHI
    9. Transports et Voies de Communication
    Monsieur Justin KALUMBA MWANA NGONGO
    10. Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme
    Monsieur Bavon N’SA MPUTU ELIMA
    11. Mines
    Monsieur Martin KABWELULU
    12. Ressources Hydrauliques et Electricité
    Monsieur Bruno KAPANJI KALALA
    13. Hydrocarbures
    Monsieur Crispin ATAMA TABE
    14. Industrie, Petites et Moyennes Entreprises
    15. Postes, Télécommunications et Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et
    de la Communication
    Monsieur Triphon KIN KIEY MULUMBA
    16. Emploi, Travail et Prévoyance Sociale
    Monsieur Modeste BAHATI LUKWEBO
    17. Santé Publique
    18. Enseignement Supérieur, Universitaire et Recherche Scientifique
    Monsieur CHELO LOTSIMA
    19. Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et Professionnel
    Monsieur Maker MWANGU FAMBA
    20. Agriculture et Développement Rural
    Monsieur Jean Chrisostome VAHAMWITI MUKESYAYIRA
    21. Affaires Foncières
    Monsieur Robert MBWINGA BILA
    22. Affaires Sociales, Action Humanitaire et Solidarité Nationale
    Monsieur Charles NAWEJ MUNDELE
    23. Genre, Famille et Enfant
    Madame Geneviève INAGOSI
    24. Fonction Publique
    Monsieur Jean Claude KIBALA
    25. Jeunesse, Sports, Culture et Arts
    Article 3 :
    Est nommé Ministre Délégué auprès du Premier Ministre, chargé des Finances:
    Monsieur Patrice KITEBI KIBOL MVUL
    Article 4 :

  10. Article 4: Sont nommées Vice-Ministres aux fonctions en regard de leurs noms, les
    personnes ci-après :

    1. Vice-Ministre des Affaires Etrangères :

    2. Vice-Ministre de la Coopération Internationale et Régionale
    Monsieur Dismas MAGBENGU SWANA EMIN

    3. Vice-Ministre de la Décentralisation et des Affaires Coutumières : Monsieur Egide NGOKOSO

    4. Vice-Ministre des Droits Humains Madame SAKINA BINTI

    5. Vice-Ministre du Plan Monsieur SADOCK BIGANZA

    6. Vice-Ministre des Finances Monsieur Roger SHULUNGU RUNIKA

    7. Vice-Ministre du Budget Madame ABAYUWE LISKA

    8. Vice-Ministre de l’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et Professionnel : Madame Maguy RWAKABUBA

    Article 5 : Sont abrogées, toutes les dispositions antérieures contraires à la présente Ordonnance.

    Article 5 : Le Premier Ministre est chargé de l’exécution de la présente Ordonnance qui
    entre en vigueur à la date de sa signature.

    Fait à Kinshasa, le
    Augustin MATATA PONYO MAPON Premier Ministre
    Pour copie certifiée conforme à l’original

    Le 28 avril 2012

    Le Cabinet du Président de la République

    Gustave BEYA SIKU

    Directeur de Cabinet

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