Saturday, July 21, 2012

US State Department's Statement on Rwanda

The US State Department has just released a statement, obtained by Reuters, on cutting military aid to Rwanda. It's a symbolic amount of $200,000, but I think this is the first time Washington has cut aid to Kigali for political reasons. 

Below is the entire statement, and you can see Rwanda's response here, saying they will discuss the report line-by-line with the UN Group of Experts in Kigali next week:

In light of information that Rwanda is supporting armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the Department of State has decided it can no longer provide Foreign Military Financing (FMF) appropriated in the current fiscal year to Rwanda, considering a restriction imposed by the 2012 appropriation act.   

As a result, we will not obligate $200,000 in Fiscal Year 2012 FMF funds that were intended to support a Rwandan academy for non-commissioned officers.  These funds will be reallocated for programming in another country.

We will continue to provide assistance to Rwanda to enhance its capacity to support peacekeeping missions.

The Department continues to assess whether other steps should be taken in response to Rwanda’s actions with respect to the DRC. 

The United States government is deeply concerned about the evidence that Rwanda is implicated in the provision of support to Congolese rebel groups, including M23.

The United States has been actively engaged at the highest levels to urge Rwanda to halt and prevent the provision of such support, which threatens to undermine stability in the region. 

Restraint, dialogue, and respect for each other’s sovereignty offer the best opportunity for Rwanda and the DRC, with the support of their partners, to resume the difficult work of bringing peace and security to the broader region.

We are encouraged by the ongoing high-level dialogue among the states of the Great Lakes region, and we join the Security Council in taking note with interest of the communiqué issued by the eleven member states of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) on July 12. 

Developing a disciplined and unified army as part of a comprehensive security sector reform process remains critical to the stabilization of the DRC. 

We support efforts to bring to justice alleged human rights abusers among the mutineers, including Bosco Ntaganda, who is the subject of an International Criminal Court arrest warrant. We are concerned by reports that the mutineers have forcibly recruited child soldiers. 

Hilary Fuller Renner 
Bureau of African Affairs 
U.S. Department of State


  1. It is hard sometimes to control an ally who thinks he is all powerful. You have to set him limits.

  2. Very good news. It's looks like the Bigining of the End. Suivez mon regard.

  3. That's a great news -

    Waiting to see if other donors will follow suit; the UK? The EU? ...

    In any case, it's paul kagame et al's credibility and notoriety on the int'l scene that has taken a massive blow. Not sure what he has to offer now to recover some of his credibility. The death of M23 & his ludicrous ambitions on DRC on a silver plate? Maybe ...

    I can anticipate either a hysterical crisis or an exaggerated charm from village urugwiro.


  4. No need for exaggeration. What is two hundred thousand U$D for a country?

  5. this is a joke.. whats 200grand?im sure pk is loughin on his desk about this rubish of so called cuttin aid.

  6. Symbolic, yes. Yet what diplomacy and politics are about? America is annoyed.

  7. OH! The problem is all those fake reports that are made against Rwanda are hurting it, Shame on MONUSCO, shame on so called UN experts, shame on HRW.
    When donors read these false reports they react by considering their aid obligations to Rwanda. Only a faool will believe the report by the experts. I read it and these are flaws I found:
    1. Defectors testimonies: These defectors had been in hands of MONUSCO and FADC, so they had synchronized their story.
    2. Ammunition found with M23 defectors had not been provided by FADC: Bizarre. FADC is highy dynamic in terms of recruits and sources of its weaponry. So, saying some ammunition which was not provided by FADC indicates foreign involvement.
    3. Makenga defected through Rwanda: false. This was provided by FADC intelligence, what else could you expect?
    The 'experts' accuse Rwanda and top generals of RDF but they were not given opportunity to present their side of the story!
    Natural justice requires that the other side be heard. Actually the so called experts came with statements with exclamation marks and not research questions.
    Their questionnaires:
    1. Rwanda supports M23!!!!
    2. Rwanda supplies them!!!!
    and so on so forth!

  8. Look at the photo the family of big chief of the State Department with their big friend... yesterday!!! Washington thinks the rest of the world are idiots.
    This is so hypocrit!

  9. Wikipedia on US Military Aid:

  10. Mixed! 2hundreds! A big joke but it can bring our marshall pk down.he has to watch out.M23 was made up by 300 guys!!

  11. The Friendly tyrant,Uganda President for Guns:

    And...seeks Friends,enemies of Israel and the US:

  12. A must read -

    Why Congolese believe there is a conspiracy theory of the balkanisation of their beloved country and where rwanda is used to spearhead the plan.


  13. DRC has failed to organize itself for decades. And there should be a scapegoat to bear the blame. Rwanda has on the other hand tried its best to turn the page of the African syndrome and the West is not happy about it. But Rwanda is good at managing crisis at its own way. The country is used to pressures and I am sure the U.S. will soon realize that it took a wrong decision based on biases from the so called experts.

  14. At least there is some movements !! Sooner than later Paul Kagame will make more mistakes and be taken in his own can lie to some people for some time, but you can never lie to the whole world all the time. At least those thousands of poor congolese and rwandan hutu killed by the Rwanda army in Eastern DRC can Resat In Peace waiting to see when Kagame will face the ICC for his actions...sooner than later this will happen !!

  15. I don't think the US will take any allegation by the UN without double checking first with it's CIA.
    My take is let's not be overexcited,and keep our guard up.The ridiculous amount cut and the fact that the announcer is not the secretary of state make me believe that it was some kind of compromise.
    Someone just wrote a book about pres Obama being more pragmatic than ideological. I took it as a polite way to say a flipfloper.
    I won't be surprise that the m23 will be the price to show Kigali's goodwill.
    Hopefully,all those development will give to gnrl Bahuma time to refocus the troops. I see some good signs when he said he will listen to his soldiers and even went to congratulate the troops in Walikale. That's leadership in motion.

  16. @ Rich

    If there is conspiracy, it must be located in US-websites as those from Enough-project or the "Friends of the Congo". Most of the consparicy theroies play a role of the fifth colomme: launch al sort of theories and "news" and analyses to renforce defaitisme among Congolese, to encourage dsrtion in the FARDC and agitation aganst the government.

    For example: how come all agencies publish the "news" by nord-Kivu-deputies that M23 occupies for he moment a territory "as big as Rwanda"? This is nonsens. This should be the half of Nord Kivu province that is occupied by M23. Everybody who follow events know this is bull!
    But how come all the papers take this for the truth?

    Or a paper as Le potentiel who publishes on 19 july a text from a Center for Strategic Studies in London (from old agents of mobutist secret services) that seriously says a stupidity as this : "Les pays de la SADC, dont l’Afrique du Sud et l’Angola sont des moteurs, sont gérés politiquement, militairement et financièrement par la CIA, notamment par sa «direction des opérations clandestines». Le choix du général Angolais pour diriger ce centre de renseignements en est a ce prix car l’Angola est devenu un pays pro-américain."

    Where these people take Conglese for? Idiots?

    If there is one bloc in Africa that is trying to resist American and European dominance on the continent it is the SADC. Not in a revolutionary way, in a very real-political way, but it is resisting. And AFRICOM & NATO are coming from the North not from the South into the continent. Libya was their ticket for entrance. Soudan and Mail are next on the menu. I don't think Angola or South Afica is applauding this strategy.

    So why publish such stupidities? Only to sow confusion and panic and impotence among Africans and Conglese.

    I think the Congolese government is very wise to support themselves on the SADC and African Union and also to prohibit ethnic hate and division among Africans. From the beginning of the war in august 1998 Mzee Kabila said : "it are not te Rwandese people who are our ennemies, it s the clique of Kagame who work with US imperialism, who are our ennemies".

  17. Has anybody else noticed a pattern here? There seems to be a coincidence between problems in the Kivus and the American presidential electoral cycle (2004, 2008, 2012); these crises in eastern Congo seem to spontaneously erupt precisely when the American political system is understandably focused on domestic politics and the upcoming presidential and Congressional elections.

    Probably just a coincidence....


  18. In many posts, some of us have always believed in the imperishable “America spirit” of humanity, justice and freedom. These humane values will trump any amount of “Congolese-blood-coltan-and-gold”, or even a couple of policemen in Darfur who can be replaced by so many other African countries in a second.

    The Kagamist brigade brazenly suggests that this is a small amount and it means nothing even coming from the too generous benefactor and protector USA. But I bet President Kagame himself will not agree with you, neither do I. Remember, Kagame is in fact a criminal fabrication, a big bubble full of lies, whose patronage and propaganda is handled by the well-known int’l banking and mining vultures through int’l media (CNN, BBC..) . Now, what happens when you nip a little needle of truth in it? You see, this is just the beginning of the end.

    Like Saddam Hussain, Kagame is a “protégé” gone rogue. He thinks that he has become too big for his boots, and should listen to no one. He uses int’l (US..) military aid not to create peace around but to wage egotistic private wars. (Iran, Koweit=east of DRC). The end of both despots can only be the same.

    Now, Britain, the EU and China should follow the USA lead and cut aid to Kagame. Especially the African Union should be for once relevant and isolate this tyrant who is hampering African progress.


  19. This is the first step in the right direction , but I don't expect any Change from the Rwandan side . Kagame is going to respond to this the same way he did to the UN report,he is going to again shoot himself in the foot by attempting to escalate the situation .we shouldn't be surprised if we start to see more attacks and even casualties on UN peacekeepers,and a new offensive from his m23 rebels.
    After he was confronted for arming and recruiting fighters for the m23, his response was his usual denial, and escalation of the situation by sending not only child fighters to the rebels but entire battalions to BUNAGANA and threatened to atack GOMA. I don't think he is a smart leader like many of his supporter would everyone to believe. Paul Kagame is a ruthless dictator who does not listen to anyone but himself. This is encouraging for peace advocates and the people of eastern Congo ,who have for a long time been
    Ignored by the international Community,but more pressure needs to be put on the Rwandan government to peacefully pull out of BUNAGANA and any ether territories that they are still occupying in North KIVU,to hand over BOSCO NTAGANDA to the ICC ,and to stop arming and supporting ,terrorists and rebel groups in neighboring Congo.

  20. Anon JULY 22, 2012 1:10 AM -

    Point taken but I would like to say, Congolese have grown wary and very skeptical of what's going on. I can understand that attitude and in one way or another that's the best thing they can do rather than sitting and trust the good will of others is enough to sort their mess.


    Bruce -

    Thanks for pointing to this strange 'coincidence' between nasty events in DRC's history and the period when US political system is focused on domestic issues. I can extend your list to two more prominent cases:

    16 Jan 2001 assassination of LD Kabila = period for the inaugural of G W Bush (20 Jan 2001)

    17 Jan 1961 assassination of P Lumumba = inaugural of JFK (20 Jan 1961)

    So as you can see this period is like a vacuum where the incoming administration is swapping files with the previous one hence leaving time for nasty things to be done without having to fall on no one's shoulder.

    In statistics these 'coincidences' will for sure form a highly significant correlation with a P value of < 0.000%

    Not a big fan of conspiracy theories though but anyway, sometimes I cannot resist to draw conclusions based on statistical observations.


  21. So called Munacongo is trading insults! He is pretending to be fanatic congolese nationalist, when actually he could be a lunatic hutu. Jason, deal with this madman that Muanacongo is

  22. @ muanacongo
    Merci mingi ndeko , ba kagamistes bazo banga to grave .continuer ko boma bango ndeko. Ba messanaki ba zobattants . Verite esuwaka.

  23. muanacongo accused me some time back of "using profanity and insults to make arguments".

    how does that shoe fit, brother muanacongo?

    (@jason stearns- totally agree on blog norms/etiquette but does that preclude snark??!!)

    in any event, folks, i wouldn't count on china and russia following foggy bottom's suit. first, i give you the example of syria- a truly tyrannical and dictatorial regime slaughtering its people.

    their response to western efforts to stop assad? well, basically nothing given their investments in syria and their weariness at “people movements”- the latter of which makes sense given both countries willingness to deny their people true freedom.

    second, china- in particular- is shaping up to be quite good at neo-colonialism in the congo. sure, its not enslaving the congolese (though if you ask zambians that is what they did in their country) but how many projects in the congo are utilizing congolese companies? congolese workers? congolese engineering, technical, or managerial talent?


    to get the congo's mineral riches to china's hungry factories, its IS building infrastructure but what good is a highway or railway from a mine to a port in Angola for the Congolese economy.

    are the chinese moving their increasingly costly factories to the congo? no. they are going to Ethiopia.

    the chinese (and the russians) do not care about things like democracy, the rule of law, and corruption like the West but that doesn't mean they are less venal than the west and its corporations.

    this is all to say that i really do hope the congolese do not put all their eggs in the china basket.

    that was the case with the americans under mobutu and we all know how that "partnership" has worked out.

    that's why I like the new prime minister. he seems to understand that history has taught the congolese (going all the way back to the kongo and luba kingdoms) to balance the great powers against each other. i don't have the exact quote but mataya said it is very important to develop strong relations with brazil, india, china, and russia so as to balance one off the other so as to benefit the congolese and the congolese only.

    the new prime minister is a smart and dynamic bloak who I’m liking more and more these days.


  24. $200,000? Is that aid? hahahahaha.... not enough even to buy Moise Katumbi's car. That's per diem that an African leader eats while on tour of US to attend UN congress.
    US, take your small dollars, they are of no use. So, these are kind of aid that the west is always blackmailing africa with?
    Let us stop using these terms: donors! dev. partners! bilateral whatever!, etc, etc, etc.

  25. Israel receives Billions of Dollars in Military aid on a yearly basis, Israel also receives Billions of Dollars in economic assistance, on a yearly basis. $200, nowhere near to what the US provides to Israel.

    little of bit of comedy on Museveni's policy:

    For Uganda, if they were told that by the US, they would probably respond saying:keep it,we have our own oil to guarantee us buying all the weapons we need to defend our security.

    Uganda's newest fighter jets have been unveiled to the public for the first time since they were flown into the country from Russia. Two of the six Su-30 jets that cost the government $740 million were unveiled by President Yoweri Museveni at Entebbe Air Base:

    War and conflicts come as economic incentives for arms producing Nations,peace and stability and self economic reliance are not good for arms producing nations.

  26. @ Ano. at JULY 22, 2012 5:33 AM
    Thanx for the “lunatic” and “madman” compliments. Don’t worry, Jason Stearns is a native English speaker; more than you and me he amply understand the nuances and tricks of the language.

    You need not care to know that: mother is from Sandoa like Moise Tshombe and father is from Tshilengi like current foreign affairs minister Tshibanda. From primary to high schools, have studied in 3 provinces in Congo. Have been in 7 of 11 provinces. Speak fluently Swahili, Lingala and Tshiluba. How is that for a Hutu?

    Look, forget about all the above nonsense, I apologise if my single comment up on this thread strangely offended you. But can you rather dispute or debate any of the points I ever raise?

    @Ano. at JULY 22, 2012 6:56 AM
    Merci. Ndenge vieux Papa Wemba aloba, tofandaki na biso bango bakanisi baleki biso na molayi mais tango to telemi basuki ata na lipeka te. Toza pe mingi awa!

    Hi brother. Now I am confused as to what the words “insult and profanity” mean in English. Can you show me in this my comment at JULY 22, 2012 3:04 AM where there is any?
    I prefer rather to engage you on the interesting issues that you raise about the dealings of China in Africa, that is interesting indeed.
    Take care.


  27. @Jose,Bruce,Rich and anoJULY 22, 2012 1:10 AM,
    You guys raised interesting points,
    starting with those coincidences, I won't have Rich's reserve and jump right on the conspiracy theory.I was telling Mel back then that it was weird that we had better chance under the Bush administration then under Clinton and now Obama.Is it maybe related to different agenda: business vs democratize?Idk , still pondering about it.Just a guts feeling.It will be interesting to compare time lines USA-RDC and see what will come out.
    For China and Russia it's realpolitik(german).They don't care about anyone as long they are making their money. China just gave a loan to Rwanda of several millions.
    On SADC, that's the greatest legacy left by LDK.If we didn't move there, there will be no Congo by now.It's a good bunch of free spirits.They remember the struggle to get where they are now.If we have to ditch al alliances, the SADC will be the one we should keep at any cost.I have the feeling they don't know if the gov is on board with their programs.I'm not sure who said that but it seems that they advised Congo's leadership to be on board with all the policies the bloc is trying to implement.
    About that military aid,we have to put it in perspective,it's a PR operation not a significant development.I'm really skeptical about Countries good will.A country has interests not friends. People should read the link Rich posted on JULY 21, 2012 4:00 PM, it's an interesting story about Clinton's wanderings. And there is this Fellow Tony Blair who just sign a deal with South Sudan to be their adviser.Axis of evil?mere coincidence? I like conspiracy theories and self fulfilling prophecies.Don't think anything good will come out of there. I like pres Obama but he will threw any "friends" under the bus if his interests are on stake.I will rejoice the day they will withdraw all their instructors from Rw n Ug. not when they slash a mere 200,000.That's laughable.

  28. Not the first time US has witheld aid for political reasons to Rwanda. George W. Bush did it when he first came to office [or Colin Powell if you prefer]. IMET was 0 in 2001 and 2002 until Rwanda left [sort of] the DRC at the end of 2002. HIPC debt relief was also withheld.

    Best TBR

  29. Guyz I am sorry but I think u missed the most important point of the statement by may be not being used to diplomatic style.Here it is:"Developing a disciplined and unified army as part of a comprehensive security sector reform process remains critical to the stabilization of the DRC,".This means that nobody else will bring security and stability to our country except ourselves and our army the FARDC, forget about the tourists MONUSCO and the CIRGL , AU, SADC...

  30. @ ano JULY 22, 2012 8:32 AM
    interesting. So Uganda buying 6 fighters jets, want to fight of ADF in Kivu and got soldiers up north "tracking" LRA. Maybe we should watch over our shoulders too.

  31. @ Mwanacongo
    I think Jose and other meant that when you call everybody who are not thinking like you "kagamistes" or "unpatriotic" you may as well call them mubanfu.If you have a counter argument, you should stick to your argument.


  32. Agree with all that 200,000 USD is rather symbolic. Null in terms of effects on Rwanda, but quite a strong PR move. It seems consistent with a step by step approach, let's see what the next one will be, and who initiates it?

    Other than this, any news on the move from the M23 to make further alliances with MM groups? It seems to me this is what will shape the context evolution, as it will get increasingly hard for them to get supplied from the North. If M23 doesn't find supply sources from the other side (South), its end should to be only a matter of time, no?.


  33. The decision taken by US is linked on wrong information provided by MONUSCO. MONUSCO should do it's assigned job, to protect Congolese civilian but not to provide wrong report. This kind of joking done by MONUSCO is very dangerous the the region of great lakes security.

  34. Just want to know how/why AFP claimed that they received the same "email statement" from another spokesperson of the same office? In the AFP article the spokesperson is Darby Holladay

  35. Well done US G; Congolese losers and their supporters (mostly gays and pedophiles in Monusco and HRW who are enjoying the
    young boys in Congo) were making deafening noises about the presumed US military support provided to Rwanda. But, they are all now
    shaken to hear that it takes 200k US$ military aid to defeat the coalition made of Special forces(well trained by Belgium) of the mighty
    DR Congo Army and well oiled UN war machine(Monusco).
    The reason why the State Dpt was crystal clear in disclosing the amount of the aid cut, is to tell the world how ridiculous DR Congo excuses are. Please Rwanda get free from Aid money now, we may go ahead and reclaim our Land(from the shore of Lake Kivu to the shore of Lake Albert). This is coming soon...

  36. @july23. I don't know how you are going to reclaim your land without any military support. Rwanda is where it's today because of the west, they keep on pumping money into that government's coffer. I can imagine rwanda living without aid and congo protecting it borders and making sure that no Rwandan is allowed. I am sure life will be wonderful for the 5% of Rwandan who are enjoying Kagame's dictatorship

  37. @ Blaise

    Actually, I tend to agree with you; the Bush Administration seemed to take a more assertive approach towards Rwanda and Uganda - pressuring them to withdraw their troops. I thought both Colin Powell and Condi Rice did a reasonably good job of balancing US interests with respect to the DRC and Rwanda.

    Nevertheless, in 2004 and 2008 it seemed certain regional actors took advantage of the American presidential election cycle to test US resolve.

    The pattern seemes to be repeating itself now. But I agree with H that the Obama Administration is responding in a step by step approach towards Rwanda - symbols are intended as signals of American displeasure. I'm probably more optimistic with regard to the current administration than you are...I'm sure both President Obama and Secretary Clinton are aware their resolve is being tested. We'll see....

    Rich raises an interesting point, both LDK and Patrice Lumumba were assassinated during presidential transitions when power was being passed from one party to the other (1961: Republican to Democrat; 2001: Democrat to Republican) - moments when the American political system is undergoing significant change and there is a certain amount of confusion and uncertainty. Putting aside the conspiracy theories, in 1961 and 2001, there was a convergence of turmoil in the DRC and major transitions in DC.


  38. @ Bruce
    there is definitively an interesting case to make here.The theory is definitively worth studying.
    H and U are probably right about DC:a step by step. Idk,I won't discount Suzan rice's capacity to wreck havoc in this approach. I still think it was a compromise between her camps and Carson's group.

  39. @ Jose
    The Chinese Contract was not perfect but instead of the west crying fowl ,they should offer an alternative or better deal than the Chinese. This deal was first offered to the west ,but the west reject it just because they where used to the winner takes all deals,and anything that was going to benefit the Congolese people was unacceptable to them. After being rejected by the west ,the DRC had no choice but to turn to the Chinese.
    You say that unlike the West ,the Chinese don't care about human right,democracy,and the rule of lows....I think the West needs to stop this nonsense,because everyone knows that the majority of ruthless dictators and Human right abusers of this world are all western allies .just to name a few on the African continent ,for example,TEODOR OBYANG ,PAUL KAGAME,YOWERI MUSEVENI,MELES ZENAWI,BLAISE COMPAORE,SASU NGWESO etc...and in Asia and the Arab world you have Countries like SAUDI ARABIA,YEMEN,JORDAN,KATAR,VIETNAM,CAMBODIA etc....all undemocratic human rights abusers,yet strong western allies. The problem is that both the West and China care about their own interests and neither one of them cares about democracy,human right,the rule of lows ....but the Chinese are just less hypocritical and they have been using the western double standard and hypocrisy to their advantage.
    About muanacongo, I understand his frustration .I have been following both you and mwanacongo on this blog ,I can't call you a Kagamist ,but I think many of your comments are very supportive of Rwanda and the status co.all we want is justice for the people of Congo who's suffering has been ignored by the IC for almost 2 as there is no difference between the Crimes of PAUL KAGAME in the DRC and the Crimes of the NAZIS in Europe .they have all killed millions ,but we do not understand why the word thinks its ok for the JUWISH people continue seeking justice for the Crimes of the NAZIS,but the people of Eastern Congo shall just forget and move on.everyone has the right to his or her opinion,but for unknown reasons It's sims like many people are now trying to silence mwanacongo. I might be wrong , I am not a scholar or a political scientist , i am just a hard working young GONGOLESE man trying to make it in the western world ,in lingala I will call myself a LIBANGISTE.
    But you don't have to be a political scientist to tell that there is an attempt by some people to silence athers on this blog .

  40. Sorry for my typo ,I was in a rush getting ready to go to work .


  42. it is official: Congoman and Muanacongo are disoriented in their arguments! They perhaps live in europe, hence their gullibleness.
    Kagame killed 5 million Congolese????? whoever trades this nosense is blind, illogical and tribalist liar! how could he? Is he the one who created Mobutu? Mobutu did not build hospitals and roads, ever a headache kills a Congolese then the death is put on kagame.
    Stop this. Kagame army walked to Kinshasa without a serious fight to oust Mobutu. so did they kill anyone?
    Later thsy supported RCD in the east. five million (ICC creation) died all over congo bause of epidemics, lack of medicare, neglect and malnutrition, when monkey meat was not enough.! stop it

  43. i Like the Congolese guy who gives all his three names to show how Congolese he is, Good for you! This shows once more that Mr. Mutamba Kalonji Andre who lives in kinshasa trulyu mixed orange and pork. I visited New york and saw all those cemeteries full of bodies, saying that Osama Bin Laden was responsable for the massacre of 3000 people in New York is nonsense. people die every day in New York.
    Just paraphrasing what Mr. Mutamba kalonji Andre is saying on his post.


  44. @ many posts here, obviously made by Rwandan citizens, I would like to make a few corrections.

    Paul Kagame is a strong leader, who has showed sound leadership in terms of development. In fact, looking at Rwanda as it was when I first saw it in 2003, and today, I'd say it's by far the most impressive development example I have witnessed worldwide (minding I never visited countries with impressive recent development such as Brazil or Angola). So I understand why many Rwandans adore him, I probably would also if I were Rwandan and living in Kigali. Yet, does this make him one of the best economic builders worldwide? Hard to say, as we'll never know how he would have performed without DRC's money. I'll always remember the first time I've heard about Rwanda pillaging DRC, I was told by Rwandans (I didn't know any Congolese by then) when they were making me visit Nyarutarama, back then a hill with only the Golf club and tens of palace looking like houses being built. My Rwandan friends then told me they were all belonging from RDF generals and colonels that had been fighting in DRC. This was 2003, after the war was officially over. I've returned several times over the following months, with Rwandan friends or taxi drivers, and each time there were more houses, each time with the same story told by my friends or drivers: "this is money from Congo". Today, Rwandans seem to have short memories, or to be blinded by the comfort brought them by development, to the point they'd rather not think/remember than questioning its legitimacy. I am willingly starting about money and development rather than the 5 million deaths as money and development is what drives Rwandan interest in DRC.


  45. Coming to 5 million deaths, again it seems the Rwandans posting here are quite young and never saw war. Because if they had, they would know that war makes victims, and particularly the DRC war, with the implication of different actors, military, paramilitary and civilians. In 1996 and 1998, the Rwandan army was also far less trained and equipped than today. So yes, unfortunately for these young idealist Rwandans, their invasion of DRC did make direct victimes in the hundreds of thousands. Everything is very well documented in tens of books with explicit sources. If they want to revise history, they should methodically reply to those. 5 millions deaths (6 today actually) is indeed also counting indirect casualties such as disease and hunger, but again to my Rwandan friends, there wouldn't have been so many deaths by hunger and disease if civilians had not been forced to live in the forest as their villages were attacked and plundered by Rwandan (1996) and RCD (1998) troops. Were are not denying your genocide when we are criticizing Rwandan implication in DRC and asking for it to stop, it would be civilized of you not to deny the numerous tragic deaths that resulted by invasions you don't even deny (1996 and 1998). Just remember these were not made using Tomahawk or other high precision missiles against military targets. These wars were carried out by men carrying AK47s and machetes. Now pay respect to their victims, and make your point. Or go make some noise in a zoo, where you belong, if you can't even have this basic touch of humanity in your statements.


  46. I nearly forgot to mention as further evidence that Rwandan interest never ended in Eastern DRC the recent (a few months back) arrest of 5 top ranked RDF officers because they were dealing mineral in exchange of weapons in South Kivu. The arrest was called by Kigali, and this is 2012 (or late 2011, can't remember), not 1999. The question therefore is not "is there some Rwandan involvement in the destabilization of the East", Kigali admitted this itself by these arrests. The question is rather "how strong is this involvement, and how high does it go in the RDF/FPR ranks", considering the recent arrests were already very high ranked.


  47. It was 4, sorry:


  48. Secretary ANDREWS MITCHELL's visit to the region and Call on Kagame to deliver BOSCO NTAGANDA to the ICC was also a very good move by the BRITISH ,I think they are trying to show KAGAME that the period of free rides is coming to the end .I think The cut by the UNITED STATES is going to encourage more actions by many more the ICC shall start pressurering Rwanda to deliver all wanted war criminals that KIGALI is harboring.

  49. Debunking misinformation:
    1. Rwanda's economy is fueled by DRC cash: My goodness! Which cash? did those generals and colonels go there just to pick dollars and come with their pockets full? If DRC resources can enrich you, why is it that Congo people are not rich? Why is it that they have failed to build villas using the resources they are blessed with? The truth is, money goes to whoever can dig up those minerals. Those with bulldozers, and capital. If you want to know city built by congolese resources go to Brussels.

    2. Kagame is habouring war criminals: Ntaganda's whereabouts are officially unknown! If you visit ICC website you will realise he is the only one on ICC books.

    3. Kagame killed 5 million:If ICG or so called UN experts make reports based on interviews with anti-tutsi fanatical tribalists you cannot attach any weight on those reports

    4. Kagame is a good leader: Yes. Rwanda is tidy, children go to school, universal health insurance, people do not litter, there is order, workers receive their salaries on time, soldiers and police do not dress in rags, there is order in everything done. What else? There is no country in Africa that is 100% perfect. And Rwanda is achiving all these despite lack of natural resources. I must curse colonialsts who unfairly, impropotionally and unjustly divide Africa at Berlin in 1884.

  50. Kagame himself, during the war, admitted that it was "self-sustainable" thanks to mining cash, and back then we were talking about a full scale war with tens of thousands of troops deployed in DRC, now so called Rwandan activists try to teach us DRC has no resources if I understand point 1 well... but you are contradicting yourself already in point 4 cursing the fact that all mineral went to DRC after Berlin. Ntaganda, knowhere to be known, Nkunda, very well known. 3. Interviews and sources are cross-cutting, go do some reading then come back to us.

    P.S: So why were these 4 top ranking officers arrested again?

    As Mark Twain: "never argue with stupid people, they will take you down to their level and beat you with experience." According to him, you win, as I rest my case. If you're ignorant I won't change this in a few lines on a blog comment.


  51. To my Congolese neighbors,
    Suppose the world order, as known today, collapse (probably a financial/economic collapse); what will happen to your dear CONGO? Have you ever asked yourself that question? I realized your holy words/ scriptures come from what US, Belgium, UK or France think or say/write about Congo. Contrary to what you are proclaiming every day, Congo is still unified because those powers want it to remain so.

  52. Hi all,

    I have always wondered where does the obnoxious arrogance of the Kagamist junta come from? Notice how P Kagame gesticulates with his middle finger in his ritual attacks on UN, MONUSCO, ICC and freedom and human rights advocates. Recently, L. Mushikiwabo summoned MONUSCO chief R. Meece to go to Kigali and ezplain himself to her about Rwanda crimanl role in DRC. Yet forgetting that it is the taxpayer money of the America R. Meece that pays her salary and funds her lavish lifestyle!

    It is enough now. This little tail can’t wag the Dog any further. The USA know too well that when a “protégé despot” (Noriega, Saddam Hussain…) becomes unresponsive and too full of his oversized ego, he becomes a danger to American interests. No one can prove how Kagame-fuelled violence in the Kivus serves US national interests. But history shows that a stable DRC has served effectively America during the Cold War.

    Strange as it is, I agree with both President Obama and the Neo-Conservatives folks. In Ghana, President Obama recognized that tyrants (African strong men) are a curse to Africa. The Neo-Cons postulate that totalitarian rulers (like Kagame) are bad for the enduring promotion of US national interests. In any case, extremisms and terrorisms mushroom in closely controlled societies. Open societies will serve America better. A mortal Kagame might just be a bad for long term US interests in the region.


  53. @ Congoman and all Congo lovers

    Thanx friend. Like u I am not a social scientist or military strategist, but a mere keen observer. Just a young Congolese who wants peace and progress for his nation and his continent NOW. No more Africa of wars, but Africa of creations.

    We should refuse to indulge in idle speculations about the tragedy in the Kivus. Innocent people (Congolese, Tutsis, Hutus) there don’t expect any more extraordinary reports. Now is the time to end the Congolese Holocaust, and the statement by the US State Dep. covers the solution well:
    (1) Kagame should pull out his troops from Congo and stop fuelling violence in the Kivus.
    (2) DRC’s government should carry out a profound reform of the security sector so it can protect its citizens. (Law on the army has just been passed in parliament)
    But remember, history shows that when you fight for justice the biggest enemy is not your enemy but “bamboozlers” in your midst. Bamboozlers are people who pretend to espouse your cause but in fact want the status quo. They use sophistic arguments to mollify you, demoralise you and effectively disarm you psychologically. For instance, look at slavery(house slaves), civil rights movement (Dr. ML King vs the white Alabama clergy, read his “Letter from Birmingham Jail”), Apartheid South Africa (ANC vs liberals), read the rhetorician on the topic the great Frantz Fanon(“Wretched of the Earth”) about decolonisation.

    Rest assured, the skin is thicker. We can endure any insults, but we will flay and fleece all of them one by one, but with lovely arguments and historical facts. Tenons bon.


  54. History always tends to repeat itself. The end is nigh for Paul Kagame. When you eat with the Devil, it doesn't matter how long your spoon is... Ask saddam Hussein, Mobutu, etc... The list is very long. Whatever plan the Kigali clique is cooking will not succeed. Very few things can stand to a enraged population.

  55. @ Jose 22 july 7:10 AM

    A good thing about Internet is that everybody who realy wants, can see the diferrence between the propaganda talk from Hilary Clinton - you know the woman that promised to "OBLITERATE" Iran from the earth when she was campaigning for President - and the real arguments.

    For example your histerical reference to Syria is good to compare with the arguments the Russian and the Chinese give for their position on the matter.

    For who is interested:

    for Russian point of view =


    Chinese =


  56. Congolese,

    Now that the US has cut off military aid to Rwanda, and I read some where that Angola, Zimbabwe and South Africa etc are ready to support you militarily, why don't you just cross the border and advance toward Kigali? Hmm...
    Then, only then you will know the real meaning of RWANDA (literally meaning: the LAND THAT KEEPS EXPANDING...). May be you are waiting for NATO and Monusco to do that for you. Keep dreaming, when you will wake up, there will be no Congo anywhere on the map but rather 10 or mores independent states.

  57. @anon 2:56 AM

    Congo wants peace not war. So there your scenario is not very realistic.

    Another situation would be that the democratic Rwandese opposition asks Congolese government to help and prevent a massacre by the militarist ethnicist regime in Kigali and to export the peace among Africans that your militarist regime in service of American imperialism hates so much. But this is not for the near future. Be patient and we'll see in 5 or 10 years maybe.

    And do not be so depressed and angry: the 200.000 dollars your dictator is missing, is nothing else then a simbolic amount. ... But at the oher hand, it is true, as said our minister of information: simbols are important too. :):):)

    good day

  58. @july 24. 2012 2:56
    No need to be emotional, rather base your arguement with fact. the reality is that without any support from the outside world (USA and UK) Rwanda will not develop. we might even see the repeat of genocide. where hutus and tutsi will kill each other with machetes. So don't act like Rwanda is a country that can stand on it own two feet, the bottom line is that it's a dependant nation which can easily be silence through suspecion of iad

  59. Guys tell me which country in Africa that does not receive aid? tell me? You Congolese lunatics. even Congolese who are like beggars sitting on a stool made of gold, depend on aid!!!!!!!!!!!
    So, here youa re crying and yelling and turning it into propaganda and insults that Rwanda receives aid.
    visit RWanda Development Board and see where the money comes from.
    Rwanda has its man at the helm of Africa Development Bank and he klends money.
    Go to hell you disoriented muanacongo, etc.

  60. 1) Anonymous - July 24, 2012 5:54 AM
    2) Anonymous - July 23, 2012 10:30 AM

    The owner of this blog requested not long ago that we maintain a certain etiquette when writing on his blog, you seem to be the only hard headed person who is not listening, May be you do not understand the language of courtesy and can only talk in terms of insults. Try reading the request by Jason Sterns several times, may be you will get it, I take the liberty to post it again for you to read again, with a little luck it will sink in your obtuseness.

    " Congo Siasa Etiquette "

    Readers - I have had a very laissez-faire attitude towards comments on this blog, and I would like to keep it that way. Emotions, however, are running high, and some of the recent exchanges here have been pretty nasty. The last thing I would want is for this site to become a forum for insults or ethnic taunts. So please, stick to constructive and substantive feedback.

    I have also made my email available so you can alert me to offensive comments: jason [dot] stearns [at] yale [dot] edu. I don't have time to read all of the comments - sometimes there are over a hundred for a post - so please help me elevate the discourse here.

    Merci, asante, melesi, murakoze.

    Please read again and again and again with some luck you will get it.It is not hard.

  61. The sneaky Dictator Yoweri Museveni is looking for another excuse to invade DRC:

    Believe me, Uganda's NRM have an economic interest in DRC, including the Oil reserves of DRC.

    And...Yoweri Museveni, as usual, wants to 'mediate' in DRC:

    Time will tell!!!

  62. And the US...sent US Special forces to Uganda's Hima NRM controlled:

    But US did not send US Special forces to help track down FDLR!!!!

    Uganda's NRM Representative in the UK...tries again to portray Uganda's NRM controlled as the 'peace mediator':

    Time will tell, before you know it, it will be Uganda and other Nations that will facilitate the partition of DRC into several Federal states,trust me on this!!!

    Uganda's Yoweri Museveni's Half Brother has a private Military Mercenary company...strangely hired by the US Government to send troops into Irak and Afghanistan...good ally,right? Uganda's Army receive training from several Armies including the US,UK,Belgium,France,Israel, I guess they're the least likely to have an interest in DRC,right?

    Nobody can be fooled in this day and age!!!

  63. @ H,
    Great comment,you made your case and you should rest indeed.Just love the mark twain citation,my favorite quote for now.ty.
    Maybe our Rwandan friend should sign his posts. I wonder if it's the same who was talking about James K "exploits".
    I believe those are the kind of exchanges, based on facts, that we should have.
    I find it frankly ridiculous that we have to read how great Rwanda is or how many road are in Kinshasa. I don't think that's progress or development.
    I can't get my head around the rhetoric and the reality of Rwandans. It sounds to me like a doctor Jeckyll and mister Hyde exercise :
    - in one hand they are saying Africa this, Africa that,lecturing us about dignity, home grown institutions
    - in the other hand they are doing the bidding of the same western society they are loathing.
    From my perspective, Robert Mugabe will have said the hell with those 200,000 and by the way keep your other aid money.
    We should all challenge stupidity, propaganda and blind faith to leaders. There is nothing wrong about asking questions or disagreeing about the way public affairs are conducted. Because there is so many cheerleaders in Africa, our leaders are taking us for a ride.

  64. 16th July 2012,US State department meet Uganda friendly tyrant Museveni:

  65. Uganda was consulted on Libya...and who knows, Uganda is being consulted on Western ambitions on DRC,and possibly the overthrow of Rwanda President:

    Yoweri Museveni is extremely ambitious that he won't hesitate to follow orders of his sponsors to do whatever he is asked in Africa!!

  66. @ ano JULY 24, 2012 8:41 AM
    That's something of concern to. I thought that since they find oil, Uganda will lose interest in Congo. Recent "goodwill" gestures from Kampala(giving our soldiers back,not supporting M23,offering mediation,etc) tended to confirm those view.
    Unfortunately, last week's moves got me worry:They beefed up the security around the borders to prevent a "spill over " of the conflict in DRC. Than, they prepared the ground by saying that the ADF was rearming and ready to launch an attack in their mainland. After that they request a right to pursued ADF in Congo. In another twist, they bought 6 new Russian made fighters jets to "combat" terrorists. when M7 was talking about it, he had a weird smile in his face pointing out of the possibility of striking further from their borders.
    August will be really interesting.

  67. Blaise and Munacongo
    I think Gen. James K. is not being glorified for nothing, when this generation has passed future generation will say: "Once there was a combative general who helped Congo get rid of Mobutu"



  70. I think general Kaberebe is a great general and he should better stick to his profession and not play politics.
    That was the opinion of Mzee Kabila, and he was right! But now there are 11 years who passed and i don't think general Kaberebe has improved his insights. So I think it will be not a good end for Kaberebe; as for Ntaganda and Kagame and all people who could have become somebody else as the criminals they are today, if only they had listened to Mzee.

  71. sanctions on Robert Mugabe,sanctions on Iran...but Museveni is the friendly tyrant who has friendship from Western countries,Arab world...and with Iran too:

    Museveni needs to be overthrown, period!!!

  72. Robert Mugabe is the true Panafrican, not those idiots like Yoweri Museveni or Kikwete of Tanzania:

  73. @Blaise,H,muanacongo,Rich ......
    Don't waste your time trying to debate this Rwanda guys. This guy is a typical Rwandese (ts),this is how they think,,act and talk and after visiting Rwanda several times ,I am not surprised with his behavior,insults and arrogance .Don't u guys see how Kagame and Mushikiwabo and treat the IC !! a friend of mine from TANZANIA just asked me what was wrong with the Rwandese ,because he just couldn't understand why do they think that they are better than everyone else in Africa. This guys talking point and arrogance is all you hear when you visite Rwanda.from the taxi driver at the airport to the guy or girl at the Hotel lobi ,all you hear is Rwanda this Rwanda that ,the Congolese are stupid ....we are the best in Africa etc.....PAUL KAGAME has really brainwashed his people to a point that they can't think for themselves anymore . RWANDA and NOTRH KOREA are now the worst remaining dictatorships on earth .in Rwanda people are living under constant fear of arrest and even murder by KAGAME's Security .just mentioning the name of their former president HABYARIMANA or the jailed leader VITOIRE INGABIRE can get you jailed and even murdered by Kagame's Security people .that's how free they are in their so called African Singapore .a Singapore that only manufactures Child soldiers.

  74. Congoman I'm surprised by your comments:
    1. Kagame is dictator. Yes. Kabila is also dictator, and many other african presidents such as dos santos, etc. It is not big deal. West and everyone else focuses o Rwanda, Rwanda is the most scrutised country in africa. Yes, because, hey they care, if you are nothing like DRC none will bother about you.

    2. Rwanda is best at least in Great Lakes. Yes! Rwanda is organised, children go to school, salaries come, towns and villages are clean, the army is well fed, trained, and unlike congolese army, they dont wear rags.

    3. Rwanda is a country that works, not disorganisation that DRC is. You cant live in Congo and say you live in sane country! No!

    That small organisation is what human race whats. None wants to live in unpredictator chaos like Kinshasa

  75. Mwanacongo, I think if I say that you haven't any thing in your brain, I am not wrong. You Congolese, M23 is your last chance of live. You may advise your president to negotiate with M23 because it has a good vision and mission for you. instead of loosing you time by crying or insulting others president, you may sit and think about the life of tomorrow. Come and see how Kagame is organizing his country, you can not agree that all he did are achievements of only less than 15 years of leading the country. Mes larmes coulent aux yeux quand je vois les congolais vivre dans la plus grande misere et pourtant Dieu les a benit avec les ressources souterraines, vegetales et fluviales. Vraiment luttez pour que le Congo ait un semblable a son excellence Kagame

  76. The new offensive against the m23 has just started ,apparently the FRDC and MONUSCO have driven the Rebels out of many areas north of Goma ,and now the fighting is taking place north of Ruchuru ,but the Rebels sims very overpowered and they are abandoning village after village. Iets hope General BAHUMA is getting all the support that he needs to finish this mess once and for all. The BBC has just interviewed the leader of the SAVE THE CONGO organization.,this is a British congolese , I hope the BBC is starting to move away from It's usual inti CONGO propaganda.

  77. @ JULY 25, 2012 12:49 AM
    le Congo a toujours ete corrompu,les puissances occidentaux ont toujours fait appel aux corrompus pour s'emparer du Congo,par Tschombwe,puis Mobutu,et Joseph Kabila!Des milliards de Dollars ont ete investis au Congo, mais ces fonds profitent qu'a une petite bourgeoisie Congolaise!Ce phenomene de corruption n'est pas seulement associe au Congo, je dirai plutot que c'est un fleau qui hante beaucoup de pays Africains, de la Famille Bongo, a l'elite CCM de la Tanzanie, a l'ANC en Afrique du Sud,le leadership Africain a permis de detourner plus de $2trillion,pendant qu'une Famille Africain ne peut meme pas joindre les deux bouts du mois!!!L'injustice socio-economique est un point sur lequel on peut tous etre d'accord!

  78. @ Ano. at JULY 24, 2012 9:37 AM

    It would be disingenuous to say that Gen. James K. or indeed President Kagame are not real soldiers. But “great soldiers” are only defined by their last battle. The last battle for these two is the ongoing senseless slaughtering of innocent people (Congolese, Tutsis and Hutus) in the Kivus (ref. GoE undisputable report). To save a bit of their legacy, they should stop fuelling this madness and hand over the criminals Ntaganda and Makenga to justice.


  79. Hi all,

    I always find it nauseating this Kagamist propaganda of Rwanda being a paradise in Africa. It is in fact perplexing as this fictitious fairy tale has a racist undertone. But if you all Kagame worshipers thought that Tutsi’s Kigali was the neatest city in Africa then you have never been to Bantu’s Gaborone (Botswana). My father has always told me that Congo’s Likasi was the neatest city in the world. LOL.

    But seriously, no one can deny that due to a number of reasons DRC has stagnated in the last 25 years until 2010. But are Rwanda and DRC comparable? Because any rigorous scientific comparison should weight each country’s particular features, but most importantly it should adjust for each country’s particular context, problems and base of departure. So what are you comparing and how?

    Be that as it may, dare we forget that Congo has always amazed the world? Remember that in 1960 we were more disadvantaged than now (no cadres or no universitaires), but by the 1970s Congo was the most important economy and the most industrialised country in Sub-Saharan Africa minus South Africa (yes, 1 Congolese Franc was equal to 2 US dollars when we were kings).

    For those who don’t live in their little closed boxes listening to the only beat of their god kagame, but are acquainted with broader African realities, will know that real African capitalists are found elsewhere than in the tiny kagamist kingdom that survives on looting Congolese-blood-coltan-and-gold. Nigerians are building bln US pan-African Telecoms, Banking and oil business. You will be disappointed to learn that today, the first really African miner (owned and operated by Africans) is the Congolese mining magnate Kalaa Mpinga Kasenda with his Toronto and London listed and pan-African, multi-commodity Mwana Africa conglomerate (

    Relax all the world’s Kagamists. This is Congo. We have done it before. We have learned lessons from our mistakes. We will amaze the world again and show what Africans can do.


  80. According to my trusted sources, Bosco Ntaganda is in Mbarara(Uganda) under the protection of Salim Saleh-museveni's Brother-and General David Tinyefuza-Museveni's security adviser.
    The same source also confirmed that on Sunday, Bosco got too drank and was playing very..very loud music to the extent it pissed off his hosts.

    This source has never let me down.


  81. Guardian: Rwanda's Paul Kagame warned he may be charged with aiding war crimes

    UN tells president he could face prosecution for arming groups that carried out atrocities in Democratic Republic of Congo.

    When we say, we've seen far more sophisticated dictatorship than the kagame one, some people think we are wrong.

    From this point, the pressure can only increase against kigali. kagame has still got a chance to avoid what happen to most dictators we know. Having created more enemies than friends does not help his case.

    I saw his recent speech with members of the RDF, the man displayed a classic image of what le Grand Mopao Koffi Olomide calls:

    "KOSEKA YA MOTO AKWEYI NA VELO" translating as "LAUGHTERS OF SOMEONE WHO FELL OFF THE BICYCLE". Still being inspired by Congolese sayings about bicycle.


  82. @ Rich

    Where you talking about what some french people
    call " le rire jaune ".


  83. @ Rich

    I apologies for the typo, I meant “Were” instead of “Where”


  84. That correct cher Bismark -

    Here is the link to the speech and you tell me if I'm mistaken.

    Can those more knowledgeable with W Shakespeare's language tell us if there is an english term for "rire jaune" or "koseka ya moto akweyi na velo"?


  85. Muanacongo calling me Kagamist! lol! And you are saying Congo will.... when? It should be now. I think you have not visited Rwanda recently, go and see for yourself. You will realise you have been in toilet now you are in sitting room that Rwanda is! Otherwise if you are dreaming that your messy, dirty, corrupt and disorganised Congo is anywhere nearby Rwanda, wake up and apologise!

  86. Rwanda dvlpmnt is an ilusion, go to cyangungu, gitarama and see how people live. A 15% minority rulling with a racial ideology is going no where.

    The blood of sisters, brothers and childrens dead in the Congolese genocide is still calling.

    We will rule this great lakes region despite the traitor Kabila. Dont use his incompetence as an excuse for killing and destroying our people'slive . Kabila and his croonies represent himself not us, kabila will be dealt with and we will make you Rwandese pay dearly. Who killby the sword die by the sword...

    We will rule the great lakes, BEWARE

    Proudly made in Congo

    Proudly made in DRC.

  87. Outside topic,

    I will ask everyone to read a rubbish article y writen by a guy called Obadias Ndaba and posted on Georgianne Nienaber's blog on Huffington Post today. Read the article here
    The funny story isn't even the faulse historical background on Congo but the Curriculum Vitae of the author. According to the post,
    "Obadias Ndaba is an analyst on African affairs. Originally from DRC and then Rwanda, he has worked in Rwanda, Kenya and USA".
    I guess that is what he was talking about the lack of national Identity in DRC or some so called Congolese Tutsis. The author must be himself confused about his own nationality. He was first Congolese, then Rwandese later.
    One thing I can say is that Kagame's Propaganda is at full speed lately in the USA


  88. UK=Rwanda's largest bilateral donor. UK=DRC's largest humanitarian donor. Questions, anyone?


  89. DRC's government found an innovative way of gaining international support,isn't it? Remember what the international community did in pressurising Malawi not to welcome Bashir?

    Anyway, how much Aid does DRC's government receive (besides all the Corporations secret deals,mind you, they are not Rwandan corporations no matter what Western Media claim):

    As part of a comprehensive and global review of DFID’s bilateral aid assistance completed in 2011, DFID announced that it plans to nearly double its aid to the DRC over the next four years. If all goes well, UK aid to the DRC will increase from about £147 million in 2011 to £258 million a year by 2015. This will make the UK DRC’s biggest bilateral donor.

    The European Commission announced, on 5 March, that it was scaling up its funds for humanitarian relief to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by 10% compared to the past year. A total of €59 million in humanitarian aid will be made available to the country in 2012. “Millions of people in the DRC are going through one of the world’s longest emergencies,” Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva said. “We need to prevent the whole country from becoming a forgotten crisis of 66 million people,” she argued. Since 2005, the Commission has provided €367 million in humanitarian aid to the DRC.

  90. watch closely this documentary, and make your own conclusion:

    May God help us all!!!

  91. The statement by USA judge that Kagame might face prosecution from the ICC is the strongest indication that US friendly and cordial relationship with Rwanda is shifting. this statement is even much more convincing than the $200000 dallor military aid cut. finaly the IC can see through Kagame's lies. It can only get better for the Congolese people. the government of Congo need to capitalise on this and ensure that peace returns to the East

  92. The Axe is finaly falling on Kagame's head

  93. @ anon yesterday 2:00 and 5:26

    Few things are sadder and more ridiculous at the same time then to read the "info" coming from the network of nostalgic mobutists around Honoré Ngbanda.

    Dear friends try to understand reality: mobutisme was finished at 17th of May 1997 and it will never ever comme back. Even if it still exists in many minds. Try to live in the present and not in the passed.

  94. As I mentioned before, It is really a pity to notice how Congolese are living by the words and writtings of any official or even
    a mere citizen from US, Belgium, UN, France... All you hear from you guys is " America has said this, .. we want the international community to do that, .. ,
    Monusco soldiers should fight and die for us,.." The latest episode now is that all your politicians are debating if or not Holland should come to Kinshasa.
    As for the possible indictement of any Rwandan official by the ICC I just want to remind you a couple of realities:
    1. Contrary to your country,Rwanda as a state with a long term vision is not a member of the ICC. So be assured Rwanda was already proactively preapred to deal with such an occurence legaly and diplomatically.
    2. For a people and a nation with a History(in H), we are used to this kind of alliances and counter alliances with empires. If the US is gone,trust me, few years from now we will have alternatives. It is all about shared interests and not just a love story.
    In conlusion, hold your breadth brothers the real fight has just begun; and the ultimate outcome will be the end of imposed rules set up
    130 years ago in Berlin.

  95. @July 26, 2012 1:43AM.
    Personally I could not care less if Rwanda becomes the richest country in the world as long as the stay out of Congo.My wish is all Rwandans to be kicked out of Congo and congo must build a kind of chinese wall to prevent any Rwandan from entering. we are tired of these people they must do us a big favour and go back to their Singapore. They continue to claim their country in better than Congo yet thousands of them countinue to flock in Congo, action speaks louder than words.

  96. @ ano July 26 1:43 AM.
    1-What is that shared interest are you talking about?
    2-who's interested in dry impoverished RWANDA?
    The world is interested in Congo's COLTAN,DIAMONDS,TIMBER,URANIUM,GOLD,OIL.....but not Rwanda's empty forest,dry ugly hills and mountains....wake-up brother,your Country is the least important Country on this planet . Bill CLITON just used you to exploit the vacuum left by MOBUTU ,but you failed to understand the dictatorship has become a shame for Africa. PAUL KAGAME's 18 years bloody reign has brought nothing but death and fooled the world for 18 years,and now you are fooling yourself.

  97. Don't you wonder why this bloody dictator has no friend ! His arrogance and ignorance has turned the entire Africa away from him,even his big brother and brother in crime YOWERI MUSEVENI can't stand him. anyway who wants to be friend with AFRICAN HITLER.
    PAUL KAGAME aka AFRICAN HITLER has to deliver BOSCO NTAGANDA aka the TERMINATOR before it's too late. You can run but you Can't hide.

  98. If you want to know about states shared interests, your homework is to go and read international relations papers, not to ask about it on this forum.
    Rwanda has a lot of natural resources. We just don't act like prostitute displaying their nakedness to the first comer. By the way OIL exploration is very promising , and I am sure we will get the first petrol-dollar before you do (
    Besides, your Congo's COLTAN, DIAMONDS, TIMBER, URANIUM, GOLD,OIL... will never make you rich. They will enrich your paymasters elsewhere, and for generations you will remain diggers. On another note, I would like to let you know that Rwanda and USA remain strongest allies in the region; this has nothing to do with DR Congo mines and so on... This has to do with Geopolitics of the region stretching from the Red sea, Indian Ocean down to the Great lakes.

  99. You can call him names,you can say what you want but you wont delire his supportes from standing with him until death if you want.And who tells you that he has no friends? Iam sorry but those are just your wishes.He is the African hero.A man who did what the whole world coundnt dare ie rescue humans killers.

  100. Now Iam inclined to say that one of the commentator's head is full of coltan other than brains.We both know having coltan,oil,tin name it in your soils doesnt mean an wealth otherwise why would Africa DRC in particular be at the lowest index in poverty.Why is Europe,west develpoed as it is? do they have more coltan minerals in their soils that Congo? Ask your self that.Rwanda doesnt need to have minerals ,coltan in their soils to develop.They just have to be smart,enterprising as I believe they are.
    And you congolese need to stop that paranoid about minerals in your soils and start doing something with them.Minerals are soils like any other if you dont make good use of them-you will step on them forever as you starve to death.
    There many countries in the world that are important and yet have no single mineral in their soils but because of condusive for business eg Switzeland etc.Minerals minerals will get you nowhere-just stop and think for a sec

  101. My response to someone up above who ridicules a gentleman named Obadius -that he lacks Identity.well ,you care to tell us what your own Identity has earned you? I guess you are Congolese and you have had your country ever since the Belgians handed it to you,the question is what have done for your country?Here is what you have done-One the failed states in the world,a country rich in minerals but with weak and Incapable citizens who opt to talk other than work-There thats what you have earned your country-How is that??

  102. Hey hey Mrs LOUSE MUSHIKIWABO aka June Sina is back.,how are you doing? Murihee? Are you ready to deliver the TERMINATOR? How is Mr PAUL aka AFRICAN HITLER, is he preparing for the Bunker?just look at SADAM ,GADAFI,MOBUTU ,IDI AMIN,....they all thought that because they had the USA 's support, they where untouchable and they failed to ready history books but when they did it was already too late . Please madame Louise ask your master to pull his m23 TERRORISTS out of Congo before it's too late . killing more UN peacekeepers will only make your already long criminal record worst and Hard for any attorney to defend at the ICC. tell your boss to stop his terrorist activities in the CONGO before It's too late .


  103. DRC is not and it will never be a failed state. RWANDA is not and it will never be developed.
    The DRC is going to lead the AFRICAN RENAISSANCE weather KAGAME wants it or not.
    KAGAME bloody reign of terror is going to end weather his 15% Rwandan fanatics supporters wants it or not. The next Rwandan leaders will have to reconcile with the DRC in order for that Country to survive no matter what.
    RWANDA without the DRC is nothing ,and can't be anything.
    We are saying No to m23,no to the TERMINATOR NTAGANDA,no to KAGAME ,no to MAKENGA, NKUNDA and all the great lakes TERRORISTS. Justice for CONGO now. Over 5 million death,1 million displaced. Enough is enough.

  104. What makes a Rwandan to live his or her country (which is dubbed the Singapore of Africa)and go and study, work or even live in Congo which is rank the lowest in development index. I can't understand this logic. Or are these index don't reflect reality. Many countries have also criticised most of the UN index.Given the economic praise Rwanda has received on would expect Congolese to flock to Rwanda for a better life but it actually seems the other way round. I am not saying the are no Congolese in Rwanda all I am saying the influx of Rwandans in Congo is much high.

  105. I like all those people talking about how good life is in Rwanda compare to other African countries. Well, I am sorry to bust your bubble, according to the world bank poverty index or country profile:
    Rwanda DRC Angola
    Population 10.2 66 18.4
    GDP $506 $160 $4,081
    GDP Growth 5.6% 2.7% 0.7%
    Life Expec 50 48 47
    Income Low low middle
    Pov. Ratio 56.9% 71.3% N/A

    (I just through a third party, Angola, as a buffer)Keeping in mind that Rwanda has been stealing a lot of minerals in DRC and receiving tones of foreign Aids from the international community to fight poverty. On the other hand, DRC has spent 53 years sheltering, educating, ten of thousands of Rwandese Refugees, 15 years fighting an invasion from Rwanda and the same amount of time, containing an epic humanitarian crisis that Rwanda has caused within DRC.

    And to answer the guy who questioned my identity,i am a proud Congolese citizen, not a Tutsi, Hutu, Tchokwe or Ngwanka from Congo. My tribe is irrelevant when it comes to my nationality.


  106. @ Jose,

    Since you have such a contempt for position of Russia and China on Syria, maybe you can change your mind and read this excellent article in China Daily:

    one quote: "Over the past decade, the US-led Western world has been preaching the notion of "human rights above sovereignty". The US launched wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and engineered a war to overthrow Muammar Gadhafi in Libya. In reality, what the US-led defense forces brought to these countries were deaths, destitution and humanitarian crises. The truth is, by emphasizing self-proclaimed efforts to promote democracy and protect human rights, the West is trying to eliminate dissenting voices and fulfill its geopolitical interests.

    The West is now resorting to the "Libyan model" to intervene in Syria and seek the UN Security Council's authorization for military intervention. It's for this reason that the US and its Western allies keep demonizing the Syrian government and supporting the Syrian opposition. Actually, the US and its allies should be held responsible for the prolonged unrest in Syria."

  107. I feel sorry for all those sing Kagame kagame as if without him Rwanda cant stand.One thing you should now is that Kagame has built strong institutions,stronger people behind him so whether he goes or not Rwanda will never backslide.Small as it is ,it will always shake the so called bigger ones (Congo).Its not about size and richness in minerals my dear ,its about knowledge/capacity.

  108. @ Anonymous July 26, 2012 4: 45 AM

    Obadius(he or she) was originally from the DRC when the DRC was providing shelter, free education, safety… When things started going bad in the DRC, he or she became Rwandese. I bet that soon when the situation in the DRC starts to improve, he or she will reclaim the DRC citizenship. It is this questionable loyalty, this duality, this flip flopping, this hypocrisy that get a lot of Congolese who grew up in the 70’s,80’s with our Tutsi people with no problems whatsoever to be very critical of their behavior. We can name a long list of our Tutsi people who were educated for free in the DRC (like most DRC citizens at that time, this is what the DRC has done for you and nothing beats an education) and who today are in the National Assembly, the government, the army, the police, government agencies…

    Please stop this persecution business. The record is getting old, it has been played so many times that it is scratched. The DRC Tutsi people need to be more vocal in defending their country, the DRC if it is theirs too; especially since it has been established that their cousins in Rwanda are arming M23 and others (for years), where is your outrage, you are the ones associated with creating the mess in the East with your cousins, the elite in power in Rwanda, please stand up for the DRC if it is yours too.

    The DRC has been going through a rough time for a while, things are not where they should be (because of incompetent people like JK a product of the Rwandese army) but the situation is bound to change. In the meantime, we are not running to Rwanda to enjoy its development “Mirage” because for one there is no space there and the “Mirage” is build on shifting sands and the blood of millions of innocent Congolese who had nothing to do with the barbaric and periodic killings that Rwandese seem to enjoy over the years and have exported to the Kivus.


  109. Dear all,
    I would like to share the following news:

    The Netherlands on Thursday became the first European country to announce it was suspending budget support to the Kigali government as a result of evidence in a report by a UN group of experts. The report accused Rwandan officials of violating a UN arms embargo by supplying weapons, ammunition and fighters to the M23 militia in eastern Congo responsible for the heaviest outbreak of fighting in the region in several years.

    Source : The Financial Time.

    Mwana inchi.

  110. You can say that DRC has had a rough time of the incomptence of JK but if memory serves me right DRC has had a rough time since the assassination of Lumumba.So the congolese have no one to blame but themselves.-they shouldnt blame thier president either ,bse the president doesnt lead the country alone.

  111. @ anonymous July 26, 2012 12:00 PM

    If the president does not lead the country why are you giving Kagame the credit for leading Rwanda to where you are presently.Please be real.

  112. @ Anonymous July 26, 2012 2:44 PM

    This is the 3rd time for you, you must be a mental midget who is English challenged.What is
    so hard to understand about the proper
    "Etiquette" when writing on this blog as
    required by the owner.The owner wants courtesy on his blog,instead you come on his blog to expose your limits. Please read again this previous message addressed to you, may be you will get it this time.

    "The owner of this blog requested not long ago that we maintain a certain etiquette when writing on his blog, you seem to be the only hard headed person who is not listening, May be you do not understand the language of courtesy and can only talk in terms of insults. Try reading the request by Jason Sterns several times, may be you will get it, I take the liberty to post it again for you to read again, with a little luck it will sink in your obtuseness".

    " Congo Siasa Etiquette "

    Readers - I have had a very laissez-faire attitude towards comments on this blog, and I would like to keep it that way. Emotions, however, are running high, and some of the recent exchanges here have been pretty nasty. The last thing I would want is for this site to become a forum for insults or ethnic taunts. So please, stick to constructive and substantive feedback.

    I have also made my email available so you can alert me to offensive comments: jason [dot] stearns [at] yale [dot] edu. I don't have time to read all of the comments - sometimes there are over a hundred for a post - so please help me elevate the discourse here.

    Merci, asante, melesi, murakoze.

  113. @ JULY 26, 2012 6:01 PM, 'congo siasa etiquette', what is that exactly? congo siasa or indeed Jason Stearns are promoters of ethnic hatred, no one doubts about that!!! Congo siasa is a platform where anti Rwanda campaigners gather and spread their venum of hate!!!

  114. I am sure that Jason Stearns would have enjoyed working with RTLM!!!!

  115. @ anonymous July 27, 2012 1:07 AM

    This is it; you have just confirmed that you are indeed mentally and intellectually challenged. Go and get your own blog where you can do your thing the way you want. Stop using someone else's property to expose your insults and limits. You come into someone’s house where you are welcomed and allowed to express yourself but you choose to insult the owner of the house. This is indeed a sign of poor upbringing, if you do not like the house, just leave and go to a house that suits you or build your own. By the way I forgot to mention that this is you guys preferred habit that is going to other people’s property (OPP) and trying to monopolize the said property and make it yours and in the process bring barbaric killings and mayhem, things you guys very well and are so used to. Leave Congo Siasa alone, there are a lot of positive thinking people on this blog. Bring your constructive criticisms if you can and if you have any, to the dialogue that goes on daily on Congo Siasa.

    May be the name of the blog should be changed to Rwanda Siasa perhaps, to make you feel better.


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