Painting by Cheri Samba

Lokuta eyaka na ascenseur, kasi vérité eyei na escalier mpe ekomi. Lies come up in the elevator; the truth takes the stairs but gets here eventually. - Koffi Olomide

Ésthetique eboma vélo. Aesthetics will kill a bicycle. - Felix Wazekwa

Friday, August 3, 2012

Rwanda, the Group of Experts and the M23

This post initially said that the UN Group of Experts' visit to Kigali took place in April. It took place in May. Apologies. There have also been some questions about whether the Group told the Rwandan government they would discuss allegations of support to the M23 during the May 2012 meeting. According to diplomatic sources in Kigali (as mentioned below), in their letter to the Rwandan government asking for a meeting, they also asked for information regarding groups hostile to Kigali (such as the FDLR and RNC), but did not explicitly mention Rwandan support to the mutiny (the M23 name did not yet exist when they wrote the letter). However, they planned to discuss this support and during the one 30-minute meeting the government had with them, the Group said they wanted to talk about cross-border support to the M23. However, this meeting was largely just to inform the Group that the government was not available to discuss specifics. 

There has been a noticeable souring of rhetoric in the debate surrounding the M23, including in comments on this site. People have resorted to ad hominem attacks and worse. It may help to review some of these contentions here.

Rwanda's rebuttal to the UN Group of Experts

Rwanda has provided an official 131-page response to the UN Group of Experts' report. It can be found here. The response is worth reading in full, and I can't cover all the points. But here are the main claims:
  • The Group did not give Rwanda a right of reply and did not talk to Rwandan officials. As the rebuttal points out, according to informal UN guidelines, the Group should provide those accused of serious wrongdoing with an opportunity to respond. It is not however, true, as this document states, that the Group did not contact the relevant government agencies in Rwanda. In fact, according to diplomats in Kigali, the Group visited the Rwandan capital for three days in May to talk to the government about the ex-CNDP mutiny and allegations of Rwandan support. Since the publication of the report, the Group has visited Kigali and met with Rwandan officials at length. Again according to diplomats based there, the response has been predictable: They deny all the allegations (along the lines below).
  • The report relies largely on anecdotal and unreliable sources, with little material proof. While the Group did furnish some material proof (see below), it is true than the core of its report relies on eyewitness testimony. Almost all of these sources were anonymous; not surprising, given the nature of the allegations. Is it possible that (a) the experts were biased, so they could just concoct the evidence, or (b) all the sources were biased, misinformed or manipulated by Congolese security sources? The former is unlikely - the experts' conclusions are reached by consensus among all six members, and the experts themselves are named by the UN Secretary General and can be vetoed by the UN Security Council. Several of the experts were involved in the gathering of these testimonies. The latter is also unlikely - the experts interviewed eighty M23 deserters and dozens of local villagers, former Rwandan officers, and Congolese security officials. The deserters, in particular, had little reason to lie - many had defected straight to UN bases, without going through Congolese army hands (this was the case, for example, of the eleven interviewed in the DDRRR base in Goma on 23 May, 2012, and who had surrendered to the UN base in Rugari three days earlier). It is true that, when they were interrogated by a joint Rwandan-Congolese team, some of them changed their story, but some still maintained they left Rwanda with weapons and went through Rwandan army positions. In short, it would have taken a vast conspiracy to fabricate the report, involving hundreds of people from different walks of life. 
  • The material evidence provided by the Group is bogus. Some phone calls made between M23 and RDF officers, a picture of a defector in a Rwandan uniform, pictures of ammunition and weapons belonging to the M23 - all of this does not constitute incontrovertible proof, the Rwandan government says. Yes, that is true. But that does not mean it's bogus.
    • The M23 does indeed have some ammunition that is not in Congolese army stocks, which deserters say they received from the Rwandan army (which says they don't have it in their stocks, either). 
    • While Bosco's alleged house in Gisenyi is owned by someone else, according to official records, many people in Goma and Gisenyi have testified that it really belongs to Bosco.
    • According to the Rwandan government, some of the people the Group alleges crossed into Rwanda to participate in M23 mobilization meetings do not show up on immigration registers, several other participants in the meetings say they were there. 
    • Rwandan officials implicated in the report deny they were involved and have provided statements and log books to prove this - however, many of the sources interviewed by the Group state the contrary.
  • UN experts are biased, in particular Steve Hege, the current coordinator. In 2009, Hege was cited as a contact person for a discussion paper on the FDLR, which stated that the militia is better understood in relation to the massacres of Hutu in the eastern Congo by the Rwandan army and its allies in 1996-1997 than in relation to the genocide (he never denied the genocide or that FDLR officers took part in it). He was also suggested that the lack of political space in Rwanda was not conducive to FDLR return, and argued that getting rid of the FDLR would not solve all the myriad problems in the region. Supporters of the Rwandan government, including some Rwandan officials, are now suggesting that Hege is a "terrorist sympathizer" and even "pro-genocide" on Twitter (just look for #Hege). An article in government-run The New Times suggests that Hege could be guilty of genocide denial and revisionism, crimes which carry heavy jail sentences in Rwanda. I see absolutely no evidence of these allegations in his FDLR piece, and no reason for this kind of tasteless denigration. In fact, Hege has been on the UN panel for three years now as the armed group expert, and has contributed to deeply critical reports of the FDLR and their criminal activities in the eastern Congo (see last year's report here, for example), as well as collaborating with German investigators in prosecution of FDLR leaders. I should mention that similar accusations, albeit not by the government, have been leveled against myself (the coordinator of the Group in 2008), as well as Dinesh Mahtani (the coordinator in 2009), after the latter wrote an article critical of Kigali in The Guardian.
So where does this leave us? Not all of the evidence in the UN report is incontrovertible proof, but taken together - and along with reports from  other organizations - they form an extremely compelling case for Rwandan support to M23. From my recent conversations in Kigali, New York, Kinshasa and Goma, very few non-Rwandan diplomats and civil society activists (Tony Blair is an exception) have any doubts about whether there is Rwandan support to M23, although there is disagreement about how much and why.


Anonymous said...

BBC reporting about how Rwanda's soldiers castrate Congolese villagers:

Peter DM said...

Give it up Jason. The whole tissue of lies is collapsing and you're looking increasingly pathetic trying to maintain this ridiculous house of cards. Know when to quit, buddy.

Anonymous said...

Unlike General Nkunda, General Bisengimana, General Bivegete, General Masunzu, General Kijege, General Rwibasira, General Mukiza, General Gakwavu, colonels Makenga, Mutebusi, Padiri, etc, etc… who are authentic true Congolese Citizens, Terminator Ntaganda is a Rwandese Citizen (even the ICC arrest warrant shows that). The Drc nationality law stipulates that everybody whose parents were in Congo on June 30, 1960 is a Congolese National. Ntaganda was born in 1973 in Kinigi, Rwanda. His parents were not in Congo in 1960. But, Kagame wants the world to believe that Ntaganda is Congolese. He is not. Kagame has to hand him over to the ICC. Rwanda wants to force Ntaganda down Congo’s throat as he did for General James Kabarebe whom he presented as Congolese. President Kabila was compelled at gun point to appoint Kabarebe as Congo Defense Forces’ Chief of Staff. When L-D Kabila declared (the obvious) that Kabarebe was Rwandese, and that he had to leave Congo, Rwandese Tutsi soldiers in Congo rioted, and Kabarebe created RCD-Goma which later would metamorphose into Cndp, and now into M23. Like Kabarebe, Ntaganda is Rwandese: same mission, same bullying of Congolese, same mafia, etc

M Poff said...

It is amazing to witness Rwanda's PR machine in full gear. They have enough sympathy to their name amongst western officials given the history here that simply denying what amounts to nearly incontrovertible proof -- so long as it is denied enough times, and in enough ways, and with enough counter-theories, no matter how farfetched -- seems to be succeeding in keeping the conversation focused on whether or not the allegations are true more than on how the international community should respond given the massive impact Rwandan support to the M23 is having on the security and humanitarian situation in the DRC. Even a kernel of doubt or controversy around the claims totally undermines momentum for a robust response. Gotta admire the savvy, even if I hope it doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

Try again… the rambling writing failed to defend Hege’s hack job.

Anonymous said...

Could the reason why the Rwandan govt thinks the panel of experts report is fabricated have anything to do with their own behavior in the past? That is, that Rwandans are used to having their own way, with or without solid evidence. Now that the game is changing in their disfavor, they are crying loudest!

Anonymous said...

'PR machine'? I'm not sure that The New Times, plus the paid-for Twitter ramblings of a morally bankrupt PR 'consultant' qualifies as a 'machine'. I seem to recall mounting a more effective PR campaign when my parents caught me smoking back in high school.

Whilst the tools of 2012 may be different, Kagame's strategy has remained unchanged for over 15 years: Denial, denial, smear, followed by an eventual admission and retrospective justification. Plus ca change.

Interesting and timely analysis Jason, as always.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how the kagamist lot gets agitated whenever Truth is put on the table. Bullets kill people but never the Truth. Jason Steans is an undeniably respectable academic whose sole judge is Truth and Reason. Challenge him with facts and arguments, and not insults and threats. Congolese don't always agree with him but will always respect his informed analyses.

As for Congolese, if need be, the struggle for justice for Congolese people in the Kivus will outlive Kagame, Museveni and their gangs. So all of you kagamists relax, you can even invade our beloved Goma tomorrow but you know too well that Congo ain’t going nowhere. Congolese and the Truth shall prevail!


Anonymous said...

@ AUGUST 3, 2012 8:30 AM Peter DM and @ AUGUST 3, 2012 9:00 AM

This is a reminder of “THE TRUTH”; stop your petty and shameless attacks on Mr. Sterns. The truth is the truth, you can deny as much as you want which is you guys specialty, the way you operate (lying, lying, lying until one day you drop dead lying). You have done it with some success over the past 15 years to the point that some people actually got fooled by you saying over and over that you are not in the DRC directly or indirectly through your proxies. You have been supporting JK and creating a mess in the DRC for 12 years at least. Have the common decency to admit it. Do not forget what they say about lies (stick to translation in English):
“ Lokuta eyaka na ascenseur, kasi vérité eyei na escalier mpe ekomi. Lies come up in the elevator; the truth takes the stairs but gets here eventually.” Per Mr Sterns on his blog.
….” A new rebel group, styling itself the "M23" movement, began a mutiny inside Congo's army in April. Its fighters now occupy an expanse of volcanoes and rainforest near the eastern border with Rwanda. Much of the local population has fled, with about 470,000 people leaving their homes since the rebellion broke out four months ago, according to the UN. President Paul Kagame's government in neighbouring Rwanda, a long-standing British ally, has given the insurgents "direct assistance", found a UN investigation. This included breaking an arms embargo by sending "weapons and ammunition" into Congo, along with "Rwandan youth and demobilised ex-combatants" who became rebel fightersIn all, the UN reported "overwhelming evidence demonstrating that senior [Rwandan] officers, in their official capacities, have been backstopping the rebels through providing weapons, military supplies, and new recruits". Rwanda has adamantly denied the accusation, but Germany, Holland and America have all reduced their aid. Britain, Rwanda's largest bilateral donor, has chosen not to follow. So far, no portion of Britain's £75 million programme has been suspended. Instead, London has "delayed" a payment of £16 million that would otherwise have entered Rwandan government coffers last month…”
This is the truth guys, stop denying, lying in the face of overwhelming direct and indirect evidence. This mutiple faceted evidence, points to you guys involvement in creating havoc in the north east of the DRC with the help someone who was schooled by you, in your nasty ways, JK. it is simply becoming ridiculous to lye like this. From your perspective, everyone but you know the truth this is the height of arrogance. The facts are what they are and they do not lie.


jeannot Ruzima said...

I have a couple questions and hope Jason can help me understand. There are, in Kivus, several armed groups including M23. We have FDLR, Mai-Mai, Pareco, Raia Mutomboki, etc. Most of these groups have comited and continue to comit atrocities across eastern DRC. For example, FDLR, a well known genocidal group, has been allowed to operate since 1994 and we haven't seen serious efforts by Congo gvt and the international community to eradicate or neutralize it.

Question 1: On what creteria the Kinshasa Gvt and international community decide which group to vigorously fight? Is Ntaganda more dengerous than Mudacumura?

Question 2: There have been over the years serious allegations about Kinshasa Gvt support to FDLR. A few weeks back, Rwanda complained about this support and presented evidence to prove it like a letter from govenor Paluku asking Monusco to facilitate transportation of FDLR agents who needed to meet FDLR leader, Mudacumura, in Walikare. Why didn't international community ask the UN group of experts to investigate these allegations? On what basis allegations in this part of the wolrd are prioritised? Don't you think there is perhaps an ethnic dimension or factor that influences the way allegations and issues in eastern Congo are prioritarized? Why the whole world has risen up to fight M23 and not FDLR and other armed groups? Is it because M23 is dominated by Tutsi?

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you Jason! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

@jeanot ruzima.The 23 march 2009 agreement allowed Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF) to join the hunt of Fdlr Hutus genocidaires. These RDF participated in Kimia 1, Kimia 2, Umoja Wetu, Amani Leo, Amani Kamilifu operations. Most of these RDF soldiers never returned to Rwanda. They have become Fardc (Congo Forces) officers. It is an open secret. They are the ones who constitute the cornerstone of M23. There are two types of Fdlr: One still commanded by General Rwarakabije, a former Fdlr Chief of staff who defected to Kigali from where he still coordinates operations inside Congo aimed to make Kivu ungovernable, to cause mayhem and havoc (rape, mass murders), and to sabotaging the DDRRR operations. It is this group that is used to manufacture blackmails and treason accusations against Rwandese opposition figures like Mushayidi, Ingabire and General Kayumba. This group includes Fdlr who are repatriated from Drc, sent to Rwanda, demobilized, and then sent back to DRC, when the need arises. So, it’s a vicious circle. The Fdlr will never go away because Kagame wants it to remain alive so he can cash on it and build his propaganda on the endless menace the group poses to Rwanda. The second includes those who were in conflict with Rwarakabije in the bush; and who are afraid of returning to Rwanda; especially now that Rwarakabije is the Head of Rwandan prisons. Today ¾ of Fdlr foot soldiers include young people (between 15-30 years old) who have nothing to do with genocide against Tutsis because in 1994 they were either not born yet or too young.

Anonymous said...

a simple question: Rwanda is an african country that attracts too much scrutiny from western media, why? rebellions are in Sudan, Syria, etc. Why this bellion so special that th west reacts hysterically?
On daily basis the Guardian writes articles, quotes any anti-rwanda voice, why? dictors are many, Do Santos, Kabila, Nguemma, Jammeh, etc. why all eyes on Kagame.
Isreal is perhaps a leading criminal regime on earth, why doesn't it receive the same amount of scrutiny?
Why did the experts conduct one-sided study? Is it acceptable to interview the Congolese intelligence and FDLR, etc, what do you expect, to say good things about Rwanda?

Anonymous said...

Jason is obviously bias against Rwanda, so is a host of other media.
There is a rabid Guardian correspondent in Sout africa David Smith who sits on his ass, atacking Rwanda without bothering to travel and investigate things for himself instead of quoting the likes of Jason.
Are white people not meant to be impartial and professional? Why round on and engage in media lynching against Rwanda?

Anonymous said...

@ jeannot Ruzima said...

Question to you, "How many times does the army of Kagame/Rwanda need to come to the DRC officially or not to put an end to the FDLR situation?".

Over the past 15 years, the following entities, AFDL, RCD, CNDP and now M23 were used by Rwanda on DRC soil to put an end to the FDLR situation. You have a military base on DRC soil with JK consent where some of your commandos are based to be closer to the FDLR. Be honest, the whole world has been with you for the past 16 years helping you to fight the FDLR. The world is just finally getting tired of this song and opening its eyes to your lies.

Why can't you solve the FDLR problem? It is as if you love having the boogeyman (FDLR) out there in the DRC to justify your predatory presence in that part of the DRC. You guys have a tract record in the DRC; it is the same people - Tutsis, who dominate these outfits AFDL, RCD, CNDP and now M23. Over the years these outfits have killed thousands of DRC citizens in the process of putting an end to the never ending FDRL problem. By the way some people say that the FDLR has not attacked the territory of Rwanda in 10years. In the mean time the DRC has had to deal with Tutsi dominated rebellions (with the help of Rwanda) on DRC soil. For you Congolese and their friends should just sympathize with your FDLR issue. In the mean time, the citizens of the DRC should keep on suffering and dying at the hands of your proxies (AFDL and its descendants – RCD, CNDP, and M23), yourself and JK the product of your Tutsi army.

I don’t think so


Rich said...

Jason -

That's one of the greatest fact-checking on the ongoing ping-pong between the regime in kigali and those accusing its behaviour in the region.

Anon AUGUST 3, 2012 9:46 AM -

Ref # "I seem to recall mounting a more effective PR campaign when my parents caught me smoking back in high school."

I really like your illustration and the sad fact is, it captures perfectly the reality of the kigali PR.

In any case, the ongoing hysterical fit displayed by kigali & its wafflers was quite predictable. The more their lies are uncovered, the more they result to Ad-hominem attacks against individuals whose only sin is to have traded truths & facts regarding the current situation in the Great Lakes region.


Anonymous said...

@ anonymous, 11:22 AM: “why the West reacts hysterically” “Why all eyes on Kagame?”
Since 1990 to date, the West has been compiling evidence against RFP. The Western World has now decided that it is time to act. The West has discovered that RPF lied to them for more than 20 years. They have discovered with horror the crimes against humanity committed by RFP in Rwanda (1990-1994, 1994-to date: Byumba, Ruhengeri and Kibeho massacres, assassination of Catholic bishops, Canadian and Spanish missionaries, etc.) and in Congo (kisangani, kiwanja, makobola massacres, assassination of 2 catholic bishops of Bukavu, six millions of deaths, etc.) They are afraid that, when the moment of Truth comes (refer to Charles Taylor in The Hague), Kagame might try to implicate the West in those respective crimes. Remember, Kagame and his proxies did what they did in Congo with the direct and indirect assistance from the West. From 1997 to 2003, Kagame’s soldiers were pillaging agricultural farms, ranches, schools, university labs, hospitals and factories in Congo, etc.; carrying out mass crimes. BBC has documented horrible cases of castration of Congolese villagers by Rwandan soldiers. Here are some of the exhibits for future criminal cases: (see exhibit number 8)
The figure of SIX MILLIONS OF CONGOLESE dead unanimously given by Western media and NGO Experts, are direct and indirect causalities of Kagame’s wars in Congo. “There wouldn't have been so many deaths by hunger and disease if civilians had not been forced to live in the forest as their villages were attacked and plundered by Kagame’s soldiers.” (dixit a British MP) The West can cajole a third World dictator sometimes, give him accolades, honoris causa PhD and medals, but one day, they dump him (Mobutu, Mubarak, Saddam Hussein, etc.) Kagame can no longer cover up or compensate his dictatorship with his development record. No African country was so much developed in terms of infrastructure, healthcare, education, etc. than Kaddafi’s Libya.

Anonymous said...

@Rich Thank you- although it is desperately sad that such an illustration should be true. For those that may not remember the W2 Group's PR contract with Rwanda, please see below link for an insight into Kigali's approach to public relations and information control. Same nonsense, just different tools. As such, the Hege smear/non-story of today just makes me yawn/ want to cry.

blaise said...

Rwandan's commentators should realize that:
- this blog is about Congo
- their government had intervene in Congo at least 3 proven times
- their government have been fighting FDLR for the past 15 years.
It's funny that as soon as people disagree with Rwanda position, they are automatically labeled as genocide denier. we have to stop this madness.
Beside, saying that the "whole world" is against Rwanda is another example of Rwanda's centrism:we are the center of the universe. Read the news around the world and count how many times Rwanda is mentioned and you will realize that it's Tiny like the country.News talk more about darfour,shabab or al quaeda than the pathetic expedition of rdf in Congo.

Anonymous said...

Jason concludes that despite Rwanda's response that doesnt mean that its not true that Rwanda is not supporting M23.So whats it going to be jason? Lets go to court and argue the case.The question is why would donors punish the accused before he/she is presumed guilty of a crime? Dont you think that there is unfairness there? So and sp says that you are a thief therefore without even asking the calplit you bend on to punish him? and you dont doubt biaseness there.

Anonymous said...

Jason says 'not all evidence in the UN report is incontravertible proof' the question is why would you even include evidence that cant proven in the first case? Unless you are bent at creating contraversial ideas into people's minds.

Also Jason tells a lie up there where he says that the GOR mentioned Hege's sympanthy for FDRL in their response-thats not true I read the whole report word by word.The Hege thing has just come up just yestrday,so dont you dare blind fold us.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I'm a bit naive here, but could someone explain what they think the motivation is for the GoE/UN to demonize Rwanda in this way? Please, no ridiculous comments about the "Gomatariat." I thought that what was surprising about recent (temporary?) aid suspensions by US/UK/Netherlands/Germany was precisely the fact that hitherto that kind of action against the Rwandan government by donors was unheard of. So why the sudden change?

It seems to me that rather than continuing the debate about whether Rwanda is or is not supporting the M23, it would be more fruitful to try to understand what the nature of that support is. What does it mean when we say "Rwanda supports M23"? In other words, even if the report may (I stress *may*) have some of the details wrong about who is supporting whom and how, it seems difficult to continue to suggest that the thrust of the argument (there is support from M23 coming from Rwanda in some form) is baseless.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymus 2:09PM“The question is why would donors PUNISH THE ACCUSED BEFORE HE/SHE IS PRESUMED GUILTY OF A CRIME? Don’t you think that there is unfairness there?”
Kagamists do not have any moral authority to lecture Western donors about “the accused being punished before he/she is presumed guilty of a crime”. Consider this: Dr. Runyinya Barabwiriza, PhD and his wife Winifrida Gasharankwanzi were arrested in Rwanda in September 1994. Madame Gasharankwanzi was put in a container in Kacyiru, Kigali, and left to die by hunger, thirst and exhaustion. Her bones where retrieved in December 1994 when the container was reopened. As for Professor Barabwiriza, he spent 16 years in prison in Butare without any court mention, at all. He was freed in 2010, innocent of all charges. Now, where is the fairness? Pr. Barabwiriza was punished for 16 years imprisonment before being declared not guilty of a single crime! You, kagamists, you look increasingly pathetic!

Anonymous said...

good writing Mister Stearns.
1). the fdlr only exists since 2000,year of it's creation.
2). critizing the invasion and crimes of kagame doesn't mean attacking rwanda
3). human rights abuses are rampant in rwanda: dissappearances, torture, killing of journalists etc etc
4). EVERYBODY working in the east of DRC knows that a part of the fardc is made of rwandese soldiers. how naive can one be to try to deny it
5). follow the money trail: to whom goes the benefits of the mineral trade from rwanda?? anglosaxon firms etc etc
6). can anybody on this blog have any imput as to wich firms (usa/uk and europeans) profit from the mineral sold tru rwanda?
7). to what extent or at what level are the USA using drones to monitor the situation on the field?
8). do the usa have any plans for regime change in rwanda
9). congolese government= shame on you
10).mister kamerhe is quiet silent

Anonymous said...

Hearsay has never been accepted anywhere in any courts in the world as form of evidence.Whatever these GOE thought they would do with it ,I have no Idea.If you say that this house belongs to so and so then provide evidence,dont say that people say it belongs to him and thats proof enough to lay a case.
Who should we believe,this house belongs to Mr X and this is evidence on paper Vs this house belongs to Mr X because people told me so?GOE of experts failed even to prove simple things like that hence stooping to low.

Anonymous said...

Note this Jason continuously quotes diplomats,and he goes a'according to official diplomats' you bet he doesnt mean any diplomat from the continent ,no he means the lighter ones-typical western prejudice of so called 'experts on African matters'

Anonymous said...

jason keep of the fantastic work...despite the Rw propaganda machine in full force your voice will never be silenced. The truth will always winn...

Anonymous said...

PAUL KAGAME aka AFRICAN HITLER can say whatever lies he wants,but the trough is that his criminal involvement in Congo has caused the death of more than 5million people,displaced millions more ,and ever since his entrance his entrance into the Great lakes politic all that the region have seen is nothing but death and destruction. For the last 19 year of KAGAME'S rule the people of that region have never know anything resembling peace. PAUL KAGAME (African Hitler)bloody reing of terror has to be stopped now.he has already killed more than 7millions,if he is not stoped now,he is going to exterminate the entire Great lakes population and only keep his tribe .KAGAME and MUSEVENI bloody dictatorships have got to be stopped no matter the cost.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous 4:54pm There is a pattern here: X has been charged of breaking into Y’s house. Once, twice, thrice, etc. And once, twice, thrice, X has denied charges. After compelling and damning evidence, X pleaded guilty to all the charges. So, the suspect X is known to the Police. Whenever there is a 911 call in the neighborhood from Y, the Police should consider X as their prime suspect. That is Rwanda in our case. Facts: Has Congo been invaded? Yes or No? The whole world says Yes. Rwanda, the USUAL SUSPECT says he does not care and that he does not know. It is expected. Who is invading Congo? The whole world says that it is Rwanda, but the prime suspect says that nobody is invading Congo, that M23 are Congolese who are fed up by Kinshasa bad governance. Remember the same songs of 1996 (Afdl), 1998 (Rcd-Goma) and 2008 (Cndp)? The pattern is there. During those repetitive invasions, Rwanda denied everything before, ultimately pleading guilty. From what the UN and the whole world have on file, the prime suspect (Rwanda) has a credibility issue. Serial liar. The pattern is: lies, lies, lies, denials, intimidate and smear everybody. Nobody can no longer believe Rwanda. Here is a sample of ridiculous denials, usurpations and lies: James Kabarebe being appointed as Chef d’Etat Major General des Forces Armées Congolaises under the pretext that he is a Congolese Mushi; Kagame denying on international TV that Rwandese troops are not in Congo helping Afld. The Rwanda government response to the UN experts interim report contains some pathetic charges against Congo(on page 6) like to claim that the undocumented immigrant (sans-papiers) in the Diaspora and street preacher Bishop Elizee (no otherwise named, with no known church) is an opinion leader; that Bachikanira (a Haavu from Idjwi, whose family perished in a fire accident that consumed his house in Goma) is a Tutsi, in order to accuse Congolese of Tutsi discrimination and persecution. Rwanda government pretends to care about Kinyarwanda-speaking Congolese, yet it is known that CNDP AND M23 ARE ANTI-CONGOLESE HUTU. The real ethnic persecution against Hutu Rwandophones is the fact that M23 Tutsi soldiers’ atrocities have sent 472,000 Hutus Congolese from Rutshuru territory to Kanyaruchinya camp and in Uganda refugee camps where they are dying from Cholera. If M23 is fighting to protect Rwandophones, why Hutu Congolese are fleeing M23 advances all over the place, in Masisi and Rutshuru? The UN Mapping Report showed how Tutsis soldiers hunted down Hutus Congolese. All wealthy millionaires Congolese Hutus were assassinated by Afdl’s Tutsi-led army: Kabunga, Muhozi, Kalinda, Bitegetsimana, Lukifu, etc.

Anonymous said...

PAUL KAGAME and YOWERI MUSEVENI bloody dictatorships and reigns of terror have to be stopped no matter what .this 2 are amongst the worst and most bloody dictatorships that stil exist in this centery. Wile the entire AFRICAN CONTINENT has become more democratic,this 2 ruthless and bloody dictators have been picking their bloody fingers in the international Community and get away with it. The world can't afford to continue giving this two bloody dictators a free ride. For how long will AMERICAN,BRITISH,AUSTRALIANS ,GERMANS,FRENCH people.... going to let their hard work and tax money pay for war crimes and crimes against humanity?this bloody dictators have been supported with millions if not billions of dollars from hard working good does KILLING millions and displace million more Congolese mothers and Children serve AMERICAN INTEREST ?
This bloody dictators have to be stopped now.

Anonymous said...

Kagame and Rwanda is a failed experiment that has cost millions of Congolese lives. Where does Kagame come from ? Check his biography. Kagame helped Museveni get in power in Uganda. Kagame was trained by the US army at Fort Leavenworth. Once Uganda secured, Kagame created a military group, the RPF, and took over Rwanda. He recruited Kabila senior (and a few other opportunists) to present a congolese face to the Congolese "rebels", when it was in fact an invasion by the Rwanda army. Etc .. The real question is who has given financial, political and military support to a plan that changed the landscape from Uganda to Congo. Kagame was a refugee, not issued from a rich family. It costs hundreds of millions to wage such a military campaign. Who paid for it. These are the masters of Kagame who can actually stop him if they wanted to. When Kagame invaded Congo the media and many commentators were saying that Congo was too big to stand, that there was to many ethnic tension, but for what purpose ?? At that time the African Union and other regional formations came together to put an end to external influence, the major source of conflicts in Africa. The Tutsi's in Congo are less than 1% of the total population. How did their issue become a reflection of the national situation ?? Out of the 5million people who have now died as a consequence of this war brought to Congo, ethnic groups other than Tutsi's have suffered the most. The reality is that it is all about interests. Eastern Congo, the target region, is rich in natural resources. Kagame didn't get resources to support his campaign for free. But he has not delivered and his supporters are now abandoning him. The latest development seem to point to the fact that a new deal, post Kagame, is now being fomented. But the people of Congo have suffered the most, in millions, the cost of the failed Kagame experiment. The real question now, is what is the New Deal for the region. Let it be a win win deal for Congo, the region and the world.

Anonymous said...

The problem with all these experts is that they think to be knowing the social and political dynamics of eastern drc more than those who live in that region. And actually when we don't see them denouncing vehemently the root causes of the crisis in eastern drc, we wonder if they r not part of an international conspiRacy against Rwanda. What happened during bounds time may not be necessarily the same now. Whether non Rwandan diplomats do not believe on rwanda's rebuttal, it is not a big issue bcoz they don't understand the dynamics on ground and are more influenced by what the NGOs give them. Jason, himself, on his twitter, has many times denied information that he had previously collected from his sources in drc. It is now becoming well known that information peddlers are part of the society in drc and especially in eastern drc. Those r the realities that NGOs that are vehemently looking for breaking news should take into account. I can imagine that Jason and the experts r trying to protect their reputation, but they should also admit that in some facts they got it wrong. Kabarebe talking to m23 soldiers is not being denied. But what they were talking about is different ! The content of their exchanges may change completely the direction of this report. These are some of the depth that is required from the experts

Anonymous said...

Here again, Congolese excited because, according to the "HOLY WORD FROM THE PROPHET" Jason Stearn: ".. in Kigali, New York, Kinshasa and Goma, very few non-Rwandan diplomats and civil society activists (Tony Blair is an exception) have any doubts about whether there is Rwandan support to M23."
The truth is totally different from what Jason is stating; very few diplomats in all those cities believe in Hege's report. Actually they are now considering how to quietly and honorably dismantle that losing team. Proposals circulating are to have a GoE comprised of Africans (50%) with no interests in the region.
Hege's report has been completely and irreversibly discredited by evident facts, not only contained in the GoR rebuttal, but also related to development on ground. Since 2 months Rwanda DRC- Border is under high surveillance of UAV’S-known as drones (some now believe even US drones are involved). There is no single trace of those famous trucks full of ammunition and soldiers crossing the border. Yet M23 has made significant military gains during the same period. Jason is trying to convince us that everyone should believe his word of mouth against physical/real evidence.
A South African friend who had recently frank conversation with some "regional experts" in New York called me last week and recounted their exchange on DR Congo. He told me I quote: "these guys' strategy in explaining Congo's failure is to go after Rwanda. It makes their case easy to defend. Remember the western taxpayers' money has been flowing into DR Congo in billions of dollars for more than a decade. The results are what we all know." Hege's report was motivated and supported by Monusco and other NGO's in DR Congo. They have achieved their goals; Now that another crisis is open in DR Congo, Extra billions of dollars will be flowing through those guys present on the ground in terms of humanitarian aid, paid consultancy fees(to Jason and alike); Monusco is guaranteed of unlimited terms.
DR Congo continued war is a lofty business, not for the mining companies, but for the UN missions and other humanitarians on ground. On the other hand, these guys know very well that manipulating Congolese brain is a piece of cake for them. They just need to inject in their brain the killer dose of RATBA:

Marc Hofer said...

"GoE comprised of Africans (50%) with no interests in the region."

thats funny...remembering the involvement of all the african states in the past "great" wars of the DRC ( Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia, Uganda etc.), i guess that will be quiet a task.

Anonymous said...

Steve Hege and his team met with the Rwandan government (i.e. RDF and intelligence services) about 2 weeks ago to discuss the Addendum. Isn't it peculiar the smear campaign against him started just after that? Is it a coincidence?

Anonymous said...

Rwandese cyber/twitter corp in full force, with some stupidities as drone monitoring the border and so called call from south africain diplomate...

And the best one: Rwanda report totally discredited goe report? Really?

Ok lets tell you that, Rwanda rebuttal sounds very hollow and nobody trust Kagame report. In more than 15 years all reports, and I say all reports indenpndently written, from UN, human rights organisation, think tanks, pointed to Kagame involvment in DRC. No one report independzntly produced made Kagame look innocent. Not one!!!!!!

All this denial, denial, acceptance has been seen before. Kagame PR propaganda is well known. It will be impossible to prove that the kagame not involved.

More than time to seal off this border and hunt down all negatives forces like M23, and the hundreds remaining fdlr.

Just wonderinv who has the most to loose if Rwanda DRc border is sealed off....

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous August 4, 2012 12:46 AM,
The last thing Monusco would like to see happening is the deployment of an African Force all along DRC-Rwanda border. Why do you think they (Monusco) deliberately ignored to do that for the past 13 years of their presence in DRC? Well informed circles know about the drones monitoring the border between the 2 countries; these were primarily meant to monitor Kony's movement in the north to the border with CAR and South Sudan ( ); with the resurgent of accusations against Rwanda, they were moved further south. Diplomats are taking seriously evidence presented by Rwanda to counter the GoE report.
Read what the Dutch ambassador Frans Makken had to say yesterday: "It is important to note that Rwanda is taking this issue very seriously; we think that Rwanda has made an extremely serious response to the UN Experts report. They have satisfied us in rebutting the various allegations."

Anonymous said...

US drones have recently joined that operation; Belgian drones are doing the surveillance since June 2012.

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work Jason, dont worry abt Kagame's boot lickers, those PR gurus on his payroll, their days are numbered

Anonymous said...

Its not the report that is uprooting,killing raping, and humiliating the Congolese people, but Criminal Kagame.

Yapping and yapping about the contents of the report will not end the suffering of our people.

Be it FDLR, CNDP, M23, RDF, RPF, etc. murder and Denial, is part of Rwanda DNA- Victims of their crimes, will always be the guilty ones.

For those that don't understand Rwandans, I'll give you an incident:

when you pick-up a starving Rwandan and invite them to your home to be fed, they'll eat their food very quickly. After finishing it, they'll then pull your plate and spit-in your food, and call you names.
What I'm trying to say, they've got an illness that is yet to get a clinical name.
I'm 100% sure, many Congolese have experienced the same. Maybe some Congolese doctors have found the name for that illness.


Anonymous said...

This is from the Group of Experts most recent report (21 June) and with Hege as coordinator: '175. In South Kivu, FDLR has continued to kill, rape and loot, not only in Shabunda territory, but also in Kalehe and Kabare territories. A United Nations investigation confirmed that on the night of 4 to 5 May 2012, FDLR had massacred
at least 14 civilians, including 5 women and 5 children, in Lumendje, near
Bunyakiri, Kalehe territory. FDLR also killed at least 20 civilians on 14 May, in
Kamananga, near Bunyakiri, in Kalehe territory. (...)'.
Hardly the stuff of an FDLR sympathiser, I'd say...

Anonymous said...

Hello Rutshuru/London boy,
After a detailed diagnosis of all symptoms appearing on your posts, I have come to conclude that you are suffering from a killer virus called RATBA. The virus attacks Human brain and is proved to be synthetic( man made) and is contracted through reading hate media(audio, visual and cyber) against Tutsi. So far All identified cases are in Male Congolese (of DR Congo). There is no known cure or vaccine against the virus. Researches in Kigali and Kinshasa are still working on containing the disease.

Colored Opinions said...

I like the new layout

Anonymous said...

This is a reminder of “THE TRUTH”; stop your petty and shameless attacks on Mr. Sterns.

The truth is the truth, you can deny as much as you want which is you guys specialty, the way you operate (lying, lying, lying until one day you drop dead lying). You have done it with some success over the past 15 years to the point that some people actually got fooled by you saying over and over that you are not in the DRC directly or indirectly through your proxies. You have been supporting JK and creating a mess in the DRC for 12 years at least. Have the common decency to admit it. Do not forget what they say about lies (stick to translation in English):

“ Lokuta eyaka na ascenseur, kasi vérité eyei na escalier mpe ekomi. Lies come up in the elevator; the truth takes the stairs but gets here eventually.” Per Mr Sterns on his blog.

….” A new rebel group, styling itself the "M23" movement, began a mutiny inside Congo's army in April. Its fighters now occupy an expanse of volcanoes and rainforest near the eastern border with Rwanda. Much of the local population has fled, with about 470,000 people leaving their homes since the rebellion broke out four months ago, according to the UN. President Paul Kagame's government in neighbouring Rwanda, a long-standing British ally, has given the insurgents "direct assistance", found a UN investigation. This included breaking an arms embargo by sending "weapons and ammunition" into Congo, along with "Rwandan youth and demobilised ex-combatants" who became rebel fightersIn all, the UN reported "overwhelming evidence demonstrating that senior [Rwandan] officers, in their official capacities, have been backstopping the rebels through providing weapons, military supplies, and new recruits". Rwanda has adamantly denied the accusation, but Germany, Holland and America have all reduced their aid. Britain, Rwanda's largest bilateral donor, has chosen not to follow. So far, no portion of Britain's £75 million programme has been suspended. Instead, London has "delayed" a payment of £16 million that would otherwise have entered Rwandan government coffers last month…”

This is the truth guys, stop denying, lying in the face of overwhelming direct and indirect evidence. This mutiple faceted evidence, points to you guys involvement in creating havoc in the north east of the DRC with the help someone who was schooled by you, in your nasty ways, JK. it is simply becoming ridiculous to lie like this. From your perspective, everyone but you know the truth this is the height of arrogance. The facts are what they are and they do not lie.


Anonymous said...

Jason's evisceration of the Rwandan rebuttal is very balanced and thorough, and no reader should be left in any doubt that the GoE's report is overall credible, even if one can argue with particulars. No other conclusion is possible: Rwanda (or at least empowered Rwandans) is supporting another destructive "rebellion" in the Congo

Yet here we have the outgoing Netherlands Ambassador to Rwanda saying that the rebuttal was “very serious and satisfactory”. In this, he follows in a long line of Western diplomats in Kigali who accept any denials of what to the rest of the world is clear wrongdoing as "satisfactory", and get on with their "good" relations.

The tide seems to be turning somewhat, and Amb. Makken may now be in a minority among his colleagues. But it his statement discredits the Netherlands government, will inevitably complicate its own far more substantial involvement in DRC, and is on its face shameful. The Hague should disown him. It is time for this decades-long, obscene kowtowing to end. Rwanda's partners need to start speaking truth and setting limits to the RPF's behavior at home and across the border, for Rwanda's own sake.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The Minister of Foreign Affairs - Okello Oryem has dismissed allegations that Uganda is backing the M23 rebels of Congo as 'rubbish.' The allegations were made last week by the Democratic Republic of Congo's Joseph Kabila who requested Ugandan authorities to explain the persistent rumours of the Uganda's support to the M23 rebels.

Uganda dismisses M23 support allegations:

US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton praises Ugandan Army, and...and introduction to US drones to be made available for the Ugandan Army:

Anonymous said...

Clinton on South Sudan Oil Partnership:

Anonymous said...

Sudan: History of a Broken Land:

So,Uganda gets supported by the West,Israel to military confront Khartoum Northern Sudan considered by Israel as an enemy State,while Khartoum is strongly supported by Russia,China and the Arab World who view Israel/US support to South Sudan as an aggression on Arab Muslims of Northern Sudan.

Museveni's games in the region will trigger much worse wars than M23!!!

Anonymous said...

Now, folks, you can imagine how is the freedom of expression in Rwanda. Anybody who states that two or three Hutus were also killed by Tutsis is charged of negating the genocide and is sentenced to 35 years of solitary confinement in prison. If you say that there was a “genocide” in Rwanda (instead of “genocide against Tutsis”), you are accused of revisionism and negationism, and are sentenced to 15 years in prison. If Hege or Stearns or all those journalists all over Africa, Europe and America who are saying that Hutus were killed in Rwanda and Zaire, were Rwandese, they would have been sentenced to 35 years in jail. Erlinder got a taste of that. Saidati Mukakibibi, a widow Rwandese journalist who simply said that Kagame’s government is corrupt and oppressive, was sentenced to 17 years in prison.

Anonymous said...

partitioning of Syria discussed:

West's proxy war in Syria

The US, some Arab states and Turkey have set up several intelligence bases for directing the clashes in Aleppo. The NATO has constantly rejected any military intervention in Syria. The UN Security Council would not approve of it mainly due to the stance of China and Russia. In this edition of the show we evaluate west's proxy war in Syria particularly in Aleppo.

Anonymous said...

RATBA ... very true that virus is even attacking people in Brussel, Congolese in Brussel would beat you up just because you have a certain facial traits, my friend from Guinea was manhandled just because he looks "Tutsi", he doesn't even know what is going on ..... very sad and some white people including Jason Stearns are bent to keep injecting this RTBA, very sad that they are not on the receiving End, if they just happened to have a black skin, well most of them have a pointy nose and are tall, you turn Jason Stearn black and he would test the consequences of this RTBA maybe he would understand how dangerous the game he is playing is ......Hey JAson can you contact an italian guy by the name Riggiu maybe he can give u some advices on what you are getting urself into

Anonymous said...

Kagame is a political chess player, a gambler who doesn’t have anything to lose and who thinks that every result of the game is all benefit. All is for him a game and he is only interested in the results which will benefit him and his friends regardless of the collateral damages be them Congolese or Rwandans. What imports most to him is the results of his numerous actions and strategies. He plays on many scenes, uses many tools at the same time and he cannot preserve himself from doing anything in order to succeed. No human life is more important to him than his and the ultimate goal is power, more power, unshared power. He has a master plan and he is determined to do whatever it takes in order to reach set goals so he is ready to try everything because he believes he does not have anything to lose. Allwe have seen till here is only a political game and he is determined to outsmart everyone else. He has succeeded to silence every discordant voice within himself and around him in order to reach his goals. He is a permanent warrior who must always be in motion because any other situation will mean his end. He has got many soldiers who must be kept busy for his own security. His army is a problem if his soldiers are not busy. So some are to be sent to Darfur and others in DRC otherwise they can go rogue and threaten their own chief.
AFDL, RCD, CNDP, M23 are just multiple forms of materializing that master plan so while this current crisis must be resolved quickly we must not believe or expect that that will be the end of Kagame’s activism.Even if M23 failure will be a serious blow to him and his followers/supporters he will continue playing till he is stopped either by nature or by his people or by someone else. That is the nature of his life and he cannot do anything to change that because he does not anything else. We do not have to imagine that suddenly he will decide to be more reasonable and take into account collateral damages. He can only be forced to change because he has always gone too far in order for him to change the course of his actions and behavior. The only way of defeating him is to outsmart him in his own game either by rendering it obsolete (and thus depriving him of followers) or by defeating him in his own game along with his followers. He has put himself in a situation where he is obliged to succeed in order to have followers and supporters and the system he has created will not survive many defeats.
To defeat him requires improving oneself permanently, thinking more and more because it is a permanent war, a daily struggle where only the stronger survive. For him, there is neither permanent victory nor permanent defeat. Everything can be challenged and must be challenged. He is himself a permanent challenge and you must not celebrate after a victory but a victory over him requires more work, more involvement in securing that victory by many other victories because a defeat before him calls many other defeats. To beat and defeat Kagame you have to become stronger and better than him because if you are weaker or dumb you will perish. Since the founding of our country in 1885 and nation, Kagame is amongst the most serious threats we have had to face but I am not worried because we, as a nation and a country, we will defeat him. We have already proven our resilience and we always overcome obstacles and during the Belgian period we have proven that with organization and discipline Congo can play an important role not only in Africa but also in the world (30 June 1960 has only been the transfer of power from Belgians to Congolese but Congo exists since Leopold II, our great founder with a great vision).

Anonymous said...

(2)To answer some questions asked in reaction to the article of Stearns (a great man doing an important job of giving objective information even if some people are trying hard to silence or compromise his credibility but unsuccessfully), this is what I can say:
To JeannotRuzima: M23 is the only foreign force which is determine to balkanize the Kivus (cfr UN Report Addendum) while the FDLR know that their country is Rwanda and a day they will return there. There is a big difference between M23 and other armed groups objectives. M23 is supported (have been created) by a State member of the UN which is violating international law by invading another State member of the UN. Amongst international principles enshrined in the UN Statute is that of non-interference in other States internal affairs. Rwanda and DRC are all equal and Rwanda does not have to involve itself in Congo’s matters. Whatever JulienPaluku could have done (and nothing prove that he did that), he did it in Congo and not in Rwanda. If Rwanda thinks it can intervene in Congo for security reasons (what Rwanda is denying doing), DRC has more entitled to intervene in Rwanda for security reasons because for the last two decades all the security problems we have had in Eastern Congo were linked to Rwanda or resulted from Rwanda’s meddling in Congolese affairs. Since 1996 and Rwanda’s/Uganda’s invasion, DRC has never experienced true peace. All the armed groups you have known in DRC since then can directly or inderctly be linked to the 1996 events.
To anoAugust 3, 2012 2:09 PM, Rwanda has been punished because the donors are convinced and have proofs of Rwanda involvement. Anyhow, how many times has Rwanda been involved in DRC conflicts? How many times did Rwanda recognize its involvement? And why Kagame believe that he will play the same old game and walk away unpunished? Do you not see that he played it more than needed? What is different now between M23 and AFDL, RCD and CNDP? Except, perhaps, the obvious current goal of the failed balkanization plan.

Anonymous said...

According to sources, the self-styled leader of M23 Bandits,Bishop Jean Marie Runiga(Runiga) in Kinyarwanda, means to strangle somebody.

The source has confirmed that on september 2000, a twelve year girl called Niwemfura, got back home crying, and alleged that "Uncle did bad things to me and I hate him".
When The little girl's mother confronted the Bishop, she was instead verbally threatened, that she's an Interahamwe sympathiser and possessed with the devil.
The family had no choice but to migrate, and have since been living in a refugee camp in Uganda.


Anonymous said...

@anonymous: 9:36AM: Your soldiers from Rwanda (Afdl, Rcd-Goma, Cndp, M23) kill Congolese who only have certain facial traits. All their victims in Rutshuru, Masisi, Kiwanja, Makobola,Kasika, Kisangani, Bukavu, etc. are Congolese. Why do they do that? Your physical characterization of Tutsis is not only racist, but also dangerous and FALSE. You are making the same mistake as Belgium colonizers who divided Banyarwanda along ethnic lines using your far-fetched and artificial physical traits like the shape of the nose and the height. By the way, most of Tutsi I personally know are either short or do not have a pointy nose: Buyoya, Mushikiwabo, Museveni, Ibingira, Karugarama, General Masunzu, Joseph Kabila, Maj. Gen. Frank Mushyo Kamanzi, Gen. Charles Muhire, Donald Kaberuka, Mgr Ngabo, Protais and James Musoni, etc. These are Tutsi who actually look like Hutu and who do not fit in your dangerous colonizer and racist stereotype of typical Tutsis. Tutsi and Hutus do not exist. Simple! They only existed in the Belgium books which he used to divide Rwandans in order to rule. As for your claim that White people (amongst them Jason Stearns) are Tutsis with a white skin, I think that you are not being straightforward. Others think that Tutsis are Black Jews.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 10:25AM

hahahah very funny, you didn't respond to anything, you actually re-inforced my point that you congolese follow facial traits yet that is not enough to characterize an ethnic group....... i hope you tell that to the congolese specially this group called Combatants (or resistant) in Brussel who strangely are resisting M23 in the streets of Brussel instead of going to the frontline in Kibumba, why are they beating anybody with a straight nose ?????? very stupid a guinea friend was manhandled, he doesn't even know what that heck is tutsi and Hutu thing ......but after injection of some RATBA doses which they get from such blogs as this one written by some white guy Jason Stearns who won't suffer any consequences of this RATBA virus .....they run to the streets of Brussel 6000 miles away of Goma, and start brutalizing anybody who happens to have a black skin and a point nose, without asking , without any judgement kinds remind me of another white guy by the name of Georges Ruggiu he used to inject another form of virus cousin to the RATBA on the RTLM much in the same way JAson Stearns is doing except that nowadays we use the internet ....the consequences though are as devastating, this form is even worse because its gone worlwide

Anonymous said...

He he he, Kagamists don’t get ahead of yourselves and nonsensically fantasize about noses and height of anyone. For historical and factual records, Tutsi people come from Somalia. But I personally refuse that anyone should infer that they have inherited the “Somalian virus”, which consists in people not wanting to live with anyone different from them, and always fighting for no cause, no reason and no purpose like CNDP, M23 mobs…. Look at Somalia, Just killing for fun and proud of it.

To all Rwandan or Ugandan people, there is no war between Congo against Rwanda or Uganda. Before the “tragic” advent of Kagame onto the scene, we have lived in harmony for centuries. After these 2 African monsters Kagame and Museveni depart, we will again enjoy peace and prosperity in the African great lake regions.

So the Congolese Holocaust in the Kivus has less to do with Tutsis or Hutus as peoples but really with the Kagamist junta in Kigali who are thirsty of Congolese-blood and harbour fanciful agendas in Congo that are however doomed.


Anonymous said...

My personal opinion is that there is a lot of gesticulation and not enough thinking/planning around the M23 crisis from all sides. The sometimes extreme nature of the some comments on this page examplify this well enough. Need more consideration before action from all sides.


Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 11:43AM
temper temper !!!!! ... don't be mad, i am just pointing out the obvious and you go on screaming like a typical case of RATBA, see those are typical symptoms of the virus.... it starts by screaming online putting all Tutsi in the same basket , like you can clearly see in this quotes from your rumblings ; "Tutsi are furious".....

next thing you will record some speeches on youtube like Pastor Elysee in south Africa or Mugesera did 20 years ago infront of 1000 peoples before you realise what is happening to you .... you will be in the street of Brussel looking to people's nose to know your target..... very sad very sad situation you are in

Anonymous said...

@AUGUST 4, 2012 1:15 PM
@AUGUST 4, 2012 12:28 PM

You must be a student of late Rwanda President Greggoire Kayibanda, who said that Tutsi think they are whites? It is rather Kayibanda who blindly believed in the Belgian Roman Catholic myths that claimed that there are 3 distinctive race in Rwanda, Pygmy (Twa),Hutu (supposedly Bantu of Cameroon origin),Tutsi (supposedly of hamitic origin,Abyssinia,Egypt), how could they believe in such lies?

Hutu,Tutsi,Twa,Congolese are all Black Africans,Hutu,Tutsi,Twa are without a doubt authentic Africans and of African ancestry,they are not to be confused with Arabs or Europeans who invaded Africa some 500years ago,period!!!

Notice that when the White Minority are threatened in Zimbabwe,South Africa,Namibia, the West are the first ones to put sanctions on those governments...if we use the logic used by the western media on M23 (that M23 speak English,that they are Tutsi like the 'leadership' of Rwanda),this mean that the West intervened to protect White minority of Southern Africa because they are originally from Europe and Whites like them, do you see how immoral these arguments are?

M23 is an independent movement who have grievance with DRC's government, there is no way Rwanda is supporting them, DRC and Rwanda have a relationship, but outside forces are influencing DRC to make false accusations against Rwanda, forgetting that DRC's government legitimacy has been questioned over and over by the same Western powers stirring up trouble now in DRC!!!

Anonymous said...

the most sound thing i ever read in these blog, the exact truth , the outbreak of RATBA virus which spread in a wild way within the so called Congolese people and mess seriously with their judgement

A- Aggression
T- Tutsi
BA- Balkanisation

i could also add K and make it RATBKA

KA - Kagame

very real and people who inject it knows for sure what they are doing, and as Kagame once said "they love Congo but not Congolese"

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 1:59PM

it is a strange situation with the DRC, on one hand they will scream accusing Kagame of being a tool of USA and UK to still their minerals, and once USA cut 200 K they are jubilating and dancing that it is the end of Kagame and so on, an forget the part that he was a tool or a puppet as they claim ..... so what assure them that if Kagame is a tool of the West to plunder Congo as Mobutu was , what assure them that USA will not just pick another tool and keep plundering Congo??? .....

Very skilled people such as Jason Stearns , Hege, or these other people in UN will know how to manipulate and direct all the frustrations and anger within Congolese people toward Kagame, Rwanda or Tutsi ...... this frustration has been growing since Leopord II human right abuses way before Kagame was born , it kept growing with the failure and outright plunder of Congo by Mobutu, by the introduction of Genocidaire in Kivu thanks to French operation Turquoise ...... it is indeed a big frustration caused by the west for their own interests, which is clearly keep the mess going on as long as they can so they can take out as much ressources as they can , specially now they have to compete with China for these ressources....... so how to avoid this apparent frustrations simply direct it toward Rwanda, create bogus pictures , unreliable eyes witnesses, and voila the congolese can vent their anger on rwandans whiles cash keeps flowing in the monusco, companies keeps sending ressources abroad ......and it amazes me how some congolese fall for that,

Anonymous said...

Big up to Jason Stearns for allowing free speech!!

What a better way of enjoying the Rwanda criminal Collective.
They remind me of buglers that break into your house, and seat down to watch your TV-then beat the hell-out you for not having beer in the fridge.


Anonymous said...

@AUGUST 4, 2012 3:40 PM
I am not sure if you are Congolese, but let's set the records straight, who exactly broke into People's house, Zairois or Rwandan? Your Army (FAZ) participated in the rape,killings of Rwandan Tutsi from 1990 together with the French and Belgian Armies, your country's militias (Mulele) invaded Burundi in 1965 and butchered Tutsis,in August 2004, Congolese,Rwandan ex Far,Burundi Palipehutu once again invaded Burundi and butchered Congolese Tutsi refugees (160 of them,all unarmed,Youngest was 3Months old!!!),Your army and government always supported Burundi and Rwanda Hutu power ideologists genocidaires!!!And finally, your allies,the Belgians and Western powers,gave you a huge piece of lands which formerly belonged to Burundi and Rwanda, and as a matter, part of Tanzania too was taken away from Burundi!!!You can argue as much as you need to, you can disregard facts as much as you need to, but comments on this Blog show once again that Congolese have always been (after the assassination of Patrice Lumumba) allies with Western powers and Hutu power ideologists in their immoral attempt to exterminate Tutsi from the African Great Lakes!!!

Anonymous said...

Read the addendum from Rwanda rebuttal, the whole 120 something page. And I confirm that Rwanda Government is taking the world for idiots. Except one or two places that maybe might raise doubts, the whole rebuttal is a soap opera scenario based on Rwanda officials account of the story without any external independent confirmation.

So in one side we have a report from UN expert that is in line with reports produced indenpendently by all others human rights orgaization and independent investigation news channel like BBC, RFI, Reuters and in the other side you only have the word of Rwanda official who have got us used to deny, deny, deny and acknowledge later when dust settles.

The smear campaign against anyone talking the truth won't work and it does not seem to work based on what I read.

This GoE report stands and congratulation to the experts who have decided to speak the truth against dangerous interest. Congrat to Jason as well who decide to keep to the truth.

The only path to true peace in great lakes pass through the truth, everyone has to face his actions, Kagame the Hitler of.the great lakes and all the others as well. Without forgetting Kabila himself.


Anonymous said...

@AnonymousAugust 5, 2012 2:15 AM

So far the killer are Tutsis.......

So far the person being killed are Huts and Congoleses....

So for you all the killing that tutsis are doing is justified ?

Your history background introduction is so far fetched that I don't know where to start basically, its rubbish.

What I like in this thread is that tutsi racist leading the Rwandese government are showing their true colour. This war in great lakes has always been for domination/revenge against hutu and bantus. At least now we all know why hutu and bantu congolese population are dying. Because tutsi racists want revenge / domination.

Anonymous said...

@ AUGUST 5, 2012 2:35 AM
looking at your statements "Hutus,Bantus",I can tell you are one of those who believe in the Roman Catholic church myths that Tutsi are 'invaders' 'non Africans' of 'hamitic' origins from Abyssinia (current Ethiopia) or Egypt, what kind of foolishness is that? hahaha,We're all Bantus and Blacks,idiot!

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